Chapter 86: Glasses

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Sora quickly fell asleep. His previous sleepless nights and injuries left him feeling exhausted and worn out. He was a little afraid when he closed his eyes. Even though he was afraid, surrounded by Keyne's warmth and the scent of chamomile Sora relaxed enough to rest.

Keyne stayed with him until he was certain Sora was in a deep sleep. "He doesn't look scared or in distressed. He isn't moving as much as before, but it's probably due to his injuries." Keyne didn't want to leave, but he really had no choice. There was a lot that needed to be done.

"I promise I'll just be outside the tent." Keyne whispered to the sleeping Sora. Sora furrowed his brow and groaned a little but he did not wake.

Keyne stayed with him a little longer until he felt everything was fine. He didn't go far. Just opened the tent flap and sat by the entrance. He could still see Sora from where he was.

"Aweni, I need you to help me send a few more messages and get a few things for me." Keyne said to the flame bird quietly perched on a boulder not far away. He took a page out of Sora's notebook and wrote a few letters.

"Great... more menial tasks. Such a waste of my precious talents." Aweni scoffed unhappily.

Keyne ignored Aweni's displeasure and continued doing what he needed. The first thing he needed to do was write a reply to Archmage Galen saying thank you and giving him an update on Sora's condition as well as his intent to get help from the Treant.

The second was to Arthek. He needed him to know that they might be away longer than planned and that he intended to build their temporary home further in the forest. Arthek was currently building them a small shed to act as their temporary home, but it was no longer needed.

He would ask Arthek for help gathering materials. He also requested some medication for Sora. He assumed Arthek would have some given the type of work the construction workers did.

"I'll need to build us something more permanent than this tent. It's not impossible. I've worked at more than a few construction sites, as long as I have the materials it's doable. I'll have Arthek set them aside so I can bring them back with me in a few days. I'll also need to bring Gallos."

Sora had rubbed off on him and he began making his own lists.


Keyne quickly turned when he heard Sora groan. "I'm here sweetheart." He crawled back into the tent and gave Sora's furrowed brow a kiss.

"Don't worry, I'm here." He whispered. Sensing Keyne was closer Sora breathed easier and visibly relaxed. Keyne didn't leave until he was certain Sora was okay. Then he quietly snuck back to just outside the tent again to continue what he was doing.

He wrote another letter for Kapelin after he finished Arthek's. "We're only an hour or two tops away but things are getting a lot more complicated." Keyne admitted, but he wasn't upset about the situation.

He sent the annoyed Aweni away. Next up was Sora's glasses. He glanced around the area, but couldn't see them from where he was standing. "I need to move further away." He thought before looking back at the sleeping Sora.

"Sora, I'll come back every few minutes to check on you. You won't notice I'm gone." He said before dashing off to where Sora was hurt. He hurriedly checked the long grass for any sign of Sora's glasses.

After a few minutes he rushed back and checked on Sora. Peeking inside he noticed Sora furrowing his brow again. Keyne slipped in again and once again kissed Sora's furrowed brow. "I'm here." Keyne whispered.

He had never seen Sora so restless when sleeping. Even when he had his nightmares Sora slept like his usual self until he would suddenly wake up with a scream in a cold sweat.

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