Chapter 150: Emotional

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"We're leaving!" Keyne shouted. He and Archmage Galen had been arguing loudly from outside the carriage while Sora slept. The sound of him shouting woke Sora up.

"Shit... did I pass out again?" Sora thought to himself as he sat up from the bed. His head felt heavy.

"Keyne calm down. We've been through this before. Sir Sora didn't pass out from using his magic." Archmage Galen tried to reason.

"It might not be from using his magic, but this journey has been difficult on him. His body can't handle this?" Keyne stressed.

Sora was in the carriage but he could tell Keyne was angry. Since they left Capital City Keyne had been more than a little stressed. He was worried every time Sora used his magic to grow field after field of plants. It didn't help that after a week his health began to worsen from exhaustion.

"I think Keyne has reached his limit." Sora mused as he listened to them argue again.

"Sir Keyne, Sir Sora isn't some weak child. He understands the risks and he has chosen to continue with this journey. We had the doctor evaluate his health and it's only a little exhaustion. We'll stay here at the village for a few days and let him rest before moving forward." The Captain of the guard tried to explain.

"No. I'm summoning Koll and we are going home." Keyne stated with firm resolve.

"Sir Keyne..."

"No. He faints. He gets fevers. He gets nauseous. Every time his health worsens and we take a day or two for him to rest only for it to repeat after a few days. I'm not going to continue watching him suffer."

Sora lay back down on the thin carriage mattress. He knew Keyne was correct. He could feel it himself. His body felt weaker. Even so, he wanted to continue growing fields of plants.

At first, when they left the Capital Sora thought things would be simple. That he could treat what he was doing as a type of job. But seeing the crying farmers and hearing them cheer when the plants successfully grew it became a lot more real.

Now, he felt responsible. If he stopped and left with Keyne the guilt would weigh down on his heart. At least that was the excuse he used every other time to stop Keyne from packing him up and leaving.

"I can't be selfish anymore. Keyne is hurting, not physically but emotionally." Sora decided he would listen to Keyne and let him take him away this time.

"We've made it over two thirds of the way to Loe Lake. I've helped more than enough. I shouldn't feel guilty." Sora reasoned as he lay there recalling everything that had happened the past few weeks.


The door slowly opened with a loud creak. Keyne furrowed his brow hating the door for being loud. He looked inside the carriage hoping it hadn't woken Sora. To his disappointment Sora looked back at him wide awake.

"How long have you been awake?" Keyne asked as he sat down next to him.

"Long enough to hear you talk with Archmage Galen."

"Sorry. I should I been quieter. You need to rest." Keyne said as he softly kissed Sora's forehead.

"He has a fever again." Keyne thought as he pulled away. His lips burning from the kiss.

"Keyne, let's go home."

Keyne was surprised by Sora's sudden declaration. He expected to have a long arduous discussion. Every other time it happened they talked and weighed the pros and cons of the situation. Every time Sora convinced him they should stay.

"Are you sure?" Keyne asked after the surprise passed.

"I'm tired and I know you are worried. I won't fight you to stay longer. We should go home. I want to enjoy the house we spent so much money and time to build." Sora explained.

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