Chapter 126: Rice

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After taking a quick nap Sora was ready to cook dinner. While he slept he had Keyne hunt for a couple blade birds and butcher them. He wanted them completely deboned leaving nothing but the meat.

As he prepared to start dinner Sora ran his fingers through the large bag of rice. With a feeling of nostalgia and bliss. The smile on his face showed just how much he missed rice despite claiming to be fine without it. Sora was so enraptured with the rice he didn't even notice the sour smell emanating from Keyne.

Prince Jodi had given them 100 kg of rice. It was enough rice to last them a year, two if Sora didn't use it for every meal.

Keyne stared at the rice his brow furrowing in discontent. He was happy Sora had gotten something he liked but he also couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Sora has never looked at anything I've given him with that look before." He thought while brooding in the corner.

After playing with the rice Sora finally felt satisfied and began preparing to cook it. He started by thoroughly washing the grains. Keyne watched curiously. Sora then left the rice to soak while he prepared the rest of the meal.

"Sweetheart, do you want me to boil the rice?" Keyne asked. He didn't know much but even he knew rice needed to be cooked using heat if they were going to eat it.

"Can't. It needs to soak." Sora said. Sora's brief words did nothing to ease Keyne's confusion. He looked in the pot of white rice soaking in water.

"First, he washed the rice more thoroughly then he washes the dishes. Now, he is letting it soak. It doesn't make sense. What's the point?" Keyne wondered.

Despite his reservations he let Sora do as he liked. He had no reason to doubt or question Sora's cooking. After all, Sora had never made anything he didn't like.

While the rice soaked Sora got the rest of the ingredients ready. He had decided to make oyakodon. It was a simple rice bowl popular back on Earth. It was supposed to be made with chicken and eggs. Hence the name oyakodon which means "parent and child".

"I should be using cockatrice meat to go with the cockatrice eggs." Sora thought with a light snicker. Keyne heard Sora snickering as he prepared the sauce.

"Is something funny?"

"I was just thinking how the eggs should have come from a cuckoo bird because the parent doesn't match. Hehe." Sora said.

Keyne didn't understand anything Sora said. Despite not knowing what Sora was saying Keyne was glad he was enjoying himself.

Sora quickly finished the sauce and seasoned the blade bird. He finished so fast the rice hadn't had enough time to properly soak. With nothing to do Sora sat down at the table with Keyne.

"We need to wait another ten minutes before starting on the rice. Are you hungry?" Sora asked.

"A little, but I can wait. Sweetheart, about tomorrow, I was thinking I could have Prince Jodi check on the docks while I stay here with you." Keyne suggested.

"I love spending time with you but didn't you promise to help Arthek at the aqueducts tomorrow? Something about blasting the rocks away?"

"I did, but I could get the Prince to do it in my place." Keyne said.

"Keyne, do I need to keep reminding you to treat your friend better? You can't take advantage of him to get out of a promise. Help Arthek with the aqueduct tomorrow. We'll stick to our usual schedule. While you're gone helping at the docks  l will make some more jams and work on the plants." Sora said.

"That's not what I expected him to say." Keyne sullenly thought. He hoped Sora would be happy about spending more time together.

"A promise is a promise. We'll stick to our usual schedule. You keep working on dinner I'll go get the Prince." Keyne said before leaving. Despite being unhappy with going to the docks the next day he still wanted Sora to think of him as a good person.

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