Chapter 28: Scandal

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In the middle of the night Sora could feel a presence next to him. He was normally a deep sleeper but he couldn't help but snort at the strange smell.

Half asleep he mumbled "It stinks." Before rolling away in a poor attempt to escape the smell.

However the moment he tried rolling away he could feel a cold grasp around his waist. Not understanding what was happening Sora instinctively struggled.


A cry sounded next to him in the darkness. Frightened by the sound Sora struggled harder and fell from the bed.


Suddenly from the door Keyne entered. He quickly surveyed the room and found Sora in a panic on the floor and a naked woman in his bed.

The sight immediately sent Keyne into a rage. He stomped into to the room, grabbed the woman. And in a single motion threw her out the door.

"Kyah! No! Don't kill me!" The woman shouted.
Her cries so loud she woke the other guests at the inn. Curious they opened their doors and blushed at the sight of a naked woman crying on the floor.

Keyne ignored the wailing woman and knelt down next to Sora. "Are you okay? I'm sorry this happened I was careless." Keyne said with a guilty tone.

Sora sat down confused about what was going on. "I was in bed, but it smelt bad... next thing I know I was being grabbed. Keyne, why is there a woman screaming bloody murder?" Sora thought as he covered his ears. Because he had JST woken up his mind was dull.

Noticing his actions Keyne once again glared at the woman. Standing up with the intent to shut her up for good he approached.

"Sir Keyne what is going on?"the  Captain of the guard exclaimed when he saw the murderous look on his face.

"Save me! That man he's trying to kill me!" The man woman shrieked.

"Who are you?" The Captain asked confused by the situation.

"I also want to know who the f*** you are and why I found you naked in Sora's room?" Keyne asked his voice deep and menacing.

"I'm his girlfriend. He and I hooked up earlier and we spent the night together. He... sniff* he promised to take care of me and make me his wife if I agreed." She said.

Immediately everyone in the hall knew what had happened. It was a common occurrence where the poor slip into a man's bed and seduce them. Later when they try to leave the woman or occasional young man will accuse them of breaking their word and robbing them of their innocence.

These men whether they are guilty or not will either give these swindler's money or marry them in order to avoid a scandal.

"Liar!" Sora exclaimed from inside. He couldn't find his glasses but he could hear just fine.

"How could you say that. Did... did you only say those words so you could have my body?" The woman shouted.

"Sora was at a loss. He had never been in this type of scandal before. Instinctively he began looking for Keyne.

"Stop lying and get out before I arrest you for attempting to assassinate the Honorary Guest of the King." Keyne said. He didn't want to use Sora's title, but if he didn't rumours would spread and Sora would suffer the consequences. It was best to accuse her of being an assassin to justify arresting her and clearing his name of any guilt.

"Assassin? I'm not an assassin I swear. He and I met and..."

"Shut up! You dare accuse a palace knight of lying?" The Captain of the guards shouted. The woman was so frightened she got up and ran out down the stairs completely naked. She never thought Sora was associated with the king. She simply thought he was from a wealthy merchant's family.

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