Chapter 137: Damages

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"Genevieve, what are you doing here?" Keyne asked.

"I heard a wonderful shop full of fruit and vegetables opened in the market and came to buy a few things. How was I supposed to know it was your shop?" Genevieve said with an obviously fake look of surprise.

"I don't believe you for a second. You were able to find which inn we were staying at less than an hour after we signed in yet you knew nothing about us opening a shop. Genevieve if you are going to lie, do a better job at it." Keyne said feeling annoyed.

"What happened to you Keyne? You never used to be so suspicious and negative. Is it because of him? Is he telling you not to believe me?" Genevieve asked as she reached over to touch Keyne's arm. Keyne avoided her touch by taking a large step back.

"My husband is not the problem here. You are! You get pregnant and claim it's my child? How am I supposed to believe anything you say now?" Keyne rebuked.

"It is your child!" Genevieve asserted.


"Sorry Sir, but your husband says he needs your help." The young boy interrupted. Genevieve glared at the young boy. Afraid he coward back inside and headed back to Sora's side.

"Genevieve, I'm busy. We'll talk more at dinner tonight." Keyne said in an attempt to get her to leave.

"I will not be dismissed. That man stole you from me. You promised to marry me and then that man pops up out of nowhere and suddenly I don't matter anymore?" Genevieve shouted.


"Genevieve, I told you that proposal meant nothing. It was a..."

"You proposed to her?" Sora said in a low tone.

The boy had told Sora about Keyne talking to a beautiful woman. Worried he decided to go check for himself only to overhear Keyne admit he had once proposed to her.

"Sora, it not like that." Keyne immediately pleaded.Sora didn't want to hear Keyne's excuses. He looked at Genevieve and asked her instead.

"Did he propose to you?"


"Sora, it was when we were children. It meant..."

"So you admit to proposing to her?" Sora was furious.

Not wanting to hear more he ran off in the direction of the inn. Keyne wanted to run after him, but then he heard another ding from the shop door's bell. It was full of customers and he couldn't leave it unattended.

"Aweni, get the prince. I need him here now!" Keyne commanded.

"Keyne, admit that he is wrong for you. Break it off and come be a family with me and this child; our child." Genevieve said. Keyne had no more patience for Genevieve.

"F***!" He shouted before entering the shop completely ignoring Genevieve.


"I can't believe he lied to me! He told me there was nothing between them. That I was the only person he had ever loved! Yet he proposed to that woman?!" Sora wanted to break something. He decided that instead of going to the inn he would go to the Adventurers Guild.

Entering the guild he walked over to the counter. He remembered Rogue once talking about how every Adventurers Guild had a training room.

"May I help you?" The guild clerk asked.

"I want to use the training room." Sora demanded.

"May I ask if you are a member of the guild?"

"No, I'm not an adventurer. But I know how to use magic and I feel like breaking things. Can I use it?" Sora asked. The clerk could see he wasn't in a good mood. Finding it a little amusing she chuckled.

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