Chapter 15: Title

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Despite the awkwardness Sora and Keyne quickly washed, dressed, and left for the meeting with the king. It was an important moment as it would decide how much money Sora would have to build his new life in Norvich by Loe Lake.

Sora anxiously approached the doors to the audience room.

"Relax, you have nothing to fear." Keyne said as he gently placed his hand on Sora's back. The warmth was comforting but also disconcerting for Sora as he still felt uneasy be wise of what happened in the bathroom earlier.

The door opened. Sora and Keyne stepped forward to enter the room. Similar to the day before Sora was faced with a room of stern looking ministers, Archmage Galen, and the gentle King.

"Your majesty King Jowan, I present to you Sir Sora and Commander of the Royal Knights Sir Keyne!" The man announced for everyone to hear. The words and scene no different from the previous day.

"It is an honour to have an audience with his Majesty the King." Sora responded once again according to etiquette followed by Keyne bowing politely as he said, "Your Majesty."

The king didn't waste time with pleasantries as he had done previously and went straight to the point.

"Sir Sora, we have reviewed your request and after hours of deliberation we have come to what we believe to be a fair settlement. However it has been proposed that certain rules be applied as well." The king said.

Sora frowned he didn't like the way the king said he needed to follow rules in order to get his reparations, but when he glanced at Archmage Galen he saw him wink and smile and felt maybe it wouldn't be as terrible as it sounded. With an open mind he continued to listen.

"To begin we would like to discuss your title. Now that you are a part of this world you are the responsibility of this kingdom. Thus we will present you Sir Sora with the title of Honorary Guest of the King. This title is unique to you and with it there are rules that must be adhered to." The king continued. Sora took a deep breath as he prepared himself for what would be said next.

An older gentleman with impeccable posture stepped forward with a scroll held out before him. "On behalf of his Royal Majesty the King I will now explain the responsibilities and duties of Honorary Guest of the King Sir Sora Watanabe and the arrangement decided upon by the King and the court."

Sora was a little surprised the king wasn't saying it himself, but when he saw the man pull out a long scroll and clear his throat to speak he understood what was about to be said was an official decree and would not be short or brief.

"First, as Honorary Guest of the King you cannot engage in unlawful behaviour.
Second, as Honorary Guest of the King you will be exempt from paying any and all taxes. This includes both those imposed by the country and the local lords.
Third, as Honorary Guest of the King you cannot leave the Kingdom of Norvich without the direct order of the King.
Fourth, as Honorary Guest of the King only the King has the power to give the Honorary Guest of the King orders. Any disputes will be handled by the King himself. Subsequently any decisions the Honorary Guest of the King wishes to make that affects the country or the fief in which he resides must be approved by the King."

Sora listened to the four rules attached to his new title. Although the part about not leaving the country and all his business having to go through the king seemed restrictive, for the most part it was a good deal. Not opposed to the title Sora let out a breath of relief as he continued listening to the man speak. "It's better than I imagined, although having the King deal with me directly for all matters seems intimidating." He thought.

"Finally, the title of Honorary Guest of the King will be affective immediately for a period of five years. Once five years has passed the title will be revoked and Sir Sora Watanabe will be reappointed as a permanent citizen of the Kingdom of Norvich. As a citizen he will be subject to the Kingdom's laws and taxes like any other citizen.
If during the five year period he fails to follow the rules Sir Sora Watanabe will be forcibly returned to the Capital immediately to have his crimes reviewed by the court where a decision will be made to decide a fair punishment.
Punishment is likely to be carried out according to the law, however the King has authority to revoke the title of Honorary Guest of the King and demand all reparations be returned to the Kingdom if necessary."

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