Chapter 29: Lunch

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Left alone in the room Sora struggled to sleep. He was obviously exhausted but despite laying in bed he couldn't relax. "Am I afraid to sleep after what happened?" Sora wondered. His thoughts reviewing what had happened earlier.

"To think there are people who would sneak into someone's bed in hopes of getting money. I mean isn't that dangerous? What if the person decides to take advantage of the fact they are in their bed and really do rape them? Or worse they could be abducted and no-one would ever know? I can't believe people will go so far for money." Sora thought as he lay alone in bed.

While Sora lay restless in bed Keyne was busy checking all the carriages and mounts for tampering. Although unlikely he couldn't help but wonder if the woman was paid to target Sora. With that in mind he went over every inch of their carriages and supplies to ensure nothing was tampered with.


Just before daybreak the Captain finally received some information. "Sir Keyne my men have learned that the woman has attempted this scam several times over the past few months. Her targets are usually young merchants or those who are wealthy but naive. She sees them in the market or by the gate and learns from her contacts at the inns where the men will be staying. Then she sneaks into their beds at night, undresses and in the morning when the men wake up she blackmails them. If they pay her she leaves quietly. Otherwise she causes a large disturbance to get everyone's attention."

"Why don't the men just throw her out?" Keyne asked.

"It seems She brings drugs with her. If the men agree to give her money she leaves. If they refuse she ingests the drugs and goes to the police claiming to have been drugged and forcibly taken to the inn and raped. Her partner at the inn then collaborates her claims and the man is arrested."

Listening to the Captain explain the woman's usual MO he became furious. Using drugs and rape are considered a level 2 offence and would have Sora immediately sent back to the palace.

"Did she go to the police?" Keyne asked. He was worried his threat wouldn't be enough to dissuade her.

"She tried to, but my men got there first and submitted an arrest warrant. The moment she arrived she was arrested for attempted murder. The woman tried to explain herself, but the town police have long known her MO and were looking for a chance to stop her." The Captain said with pride.

"Why have they never stopped her before?" Keyne asked angry the vile woman was free to do as she pleased.

"They tried, but the accused always gave up and simply gave her the money to avoid delays in their schedule or a scandal. The only time a man didn't give in he was arrested. Fortunately he was soon bailed out by his powerful connections the next day." The Captain explained. He, like Keyne, was also upset by the incident.

"Have some men remain and ensure she gets properly punished. Her and her accomplices." Keyne commanded. The Captain nodded and quickly went on his way. Discovering her past was easy but exposing all her accomplices and finding evidence to support their involvement would take considerable time and effort.


When it was finally time to leave Keyne went up to the room. It was still dark outside but they needed to visit the docks to load the fish. By the time they got everything the town gates would be open and they could leave.

Knock... knock

Hearing the sound Sora got up. He hadn't gotten any sleep and had already finished packing.

When Sora opened the door Keyne was surprised by how fast he was. Normally Sora either overslept and they left without waking him, or Keyne would have to go in and not only shake but call out repeatedly.

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