Chapter 138: Forgive Me, Please!

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Keyne returned to the inn feeling exhausted. He found out from the inn owner that Sora was staying in the room across the hall. He stared at the door wishing he could knock on it.

"Should I knock and see if he's ready to talk?" Keyne pondered as he slowly stepped forward.


Suddenly he heard a loud bang from inside. Worried he moved closer reaching out for the doorknob.

"He f***king proposed!" Sora cursed from inside the room. Keyne once again froze stiff.

"Maybe not." He thought as he lowered his hand in defeat. Not wanting to leave, but unable to enter Keyne decided to quietly sit by Sora's door. He rested his head against it listening to Sora curse and occasionally throw or hit something. Each time he felt his heart sink.

"Be careful my love. Don't hurt yourself." He whispered.


"Leader? Why are you sitting out here?" Prince Jodi asked. He had finished closing up the shop and decided to come by the inn early to get ready for their meeting with Genevieve.

Keyne looked over at Prince Jodi with a wretched appearance. The Prince knew something had happened but Keyne had run off so quick he didn't know what. Worried he stepped forward to ask but Keyne shook his head and placed his finger over his lips telling him to be quiet.

"Where's Sora? Is he okay?" The Prince whispered from afar. Keyne knew Prince Jodi wouldn't leave until he got answers so he reluctantly got up off the floor and went into the other room across the hall.

"His stuff is gone." Keyne thought as he looked around the room.

"Prince Jodi quickly entered. He moved to close the door but Keyne stopped him. He brought a chair over and sat down by the door leaving it open just enough for him to look out. Yet at the same time closed enough he could block the sound of their conversation.

The Prince looked at Keyne as though he were going crazy. Worried for his friend he pulled a chair up close to talk.

"Leader, what's going on?" He whispered in a sincere and worried voice.

"Sora's angry." Keyne said with his head hung low.

"What did you do? No, it doesn't matter. Go and apologize to him now!" The prince commanded.

"He doesn't want to see me right now." Keyne said his eyes constantly looking back across the hall.

"Did he get a separate room?"

"He said he needed some space."

"Do you want me to try talking to him?"

Keyne wanted to say yes. But then he remembered how stupid the Prince could be sometimes.

"I don't think..." before he could say no Prince Jodi left the room and knocked on the opposite door.

"Sora open up! It's me Jodi." He said as he knocked on the door.

Seconds later it opened just a crack. Keyne saw Sora glance in his direction and quickly shut the door in response.

"He saw me?" Keyne thought his heart pounding.

"Leader, told me you're angry. Do you want to talk about it?" Prince Jodi asked. Sora stared at the door to the room across the hall.

"I didn't imagine it. Keyne was spying on us just now." He thought.

"Helloooo! Are you there?" The prince said as he waved his hand in front of Sora to get his attention.

"Jodi, did you know about Keyne proposing to Genevieve?" Sora asked in a voice so deep and slow it sent chills down Prince Jodi's back.

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