Chater 79: Wedding Night (Pt.2) (NSFW)

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With dinner and the cake out of the way Keyne no longer had anything standing between him and a passionate night with Sora. His eagerness to make love was evident but Sora could see he was trying his best not to rush.

"He's looking outside again." Sora noticed. Keyne had been frequently looking outside since dinner ended. Whether they were washing the dishes or feeding the monsters Keyne's eyes frequently looked outside.

"Is he expecting something special?" Sora wondered. His question would soon be answered the moment the sun set.

Darkness came over the land and like a beast Keyne's hands were tightly wrapped around Sora. Keyne's breath was heavy as he leaned down and whispered. "Night has finally fallen, my love."

Sora's body burned at the sound of Keyne's voice. He knew Keyne would not let him escape and he did not wish to escape.

"Bath, can I take a bath first." Sora whispered quietly like a small animal begging to be set free.

Keyne hummed with a frightening smile. Yet his eyes still looked at Sora with love and affection.

"Let's take a bath together." Keyne suggested. The words sounded innocent enough but Sora was afraid of what Keyne would do if he said yes.

"I don't think I'm ready to do those things in the bath." Sora said. He did not want to reject Keyne, not tonight. But he really did not feel ready to do those things outside the bedroom.

"Sora, don't worry. I promise to leave that part for the bedroom. I just want to help you wash up and relax. We've bathed together before but every time you're exhausted and barely awake. I just want to take a bath while you are still awake." Keyne tried his best to persuade the reluctant Sora.

"We have? Why don't I remember?" Sora thought confused by Keyne's words. He really did not remember ever going in the bath together. He had the vague memory of Keyne mentioning it before, but for the life of him he couldn't remember.

"See? This is why I want to go in together. Every time we've made love I've taken a bath together with you to help you properly wash up, yet you never seem to remember. In fact you always fall asleep and I have to carry you back to bed." Keyne pointed out with a deep rumbling chuckle that shook Sora's heart.

Sora wavered from Keyne's words. He really didn't remember and now he felt bad for always falling asleep and leaving the cleanup to Keyne.

"Okay but, you have to listen. If I say no you have to stop." Sora stated with a stern face.

"I promise, I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with." Keyne said. However, Sora could not help but doubt his words when he saw the mischievous look in his eyes and heard the playful tone of voice.

Keyne carried Sora directly to the bathroom and asked him to fill the tub. The reason was simple, Sora unlike himself could somehow create hot water that was always the perfect temperature. He did not need to heat it with fire magic. This saved them a lot of time. Time Keyne did not want to waste on trivial steps.


Sora quickly filled the tub with hot water. He dipped his finger to check the water and as expected it was perfect.

"Keyne the... WAH?! Why are you already naked?"

The moment Sora turned around he saw Keyne on full display. His firm sculpted chest down to his erotic zone. Everything was in clear view. The well lit room leaving nothing to the imagination.

"How else do you expect me to bathe?" Keyne exclaimed with a proud smirk.

"Do you seriously have no shame or... or even just a little shyness? How can you just flaunt your body for all to see?" Sora complained. He had unconsciously pulled his own clothes tighter from secondhand embarrassment.

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