Chapter 54: Meat, Meat, MEAT!

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Dinner went well. Keyne ate the vegetable stir fry and some BBQ meat while Sora only ate the vegetables.

"Sora are you sure you don't want a little meat? If not the Terra Ursa, we also have some dried meat made of other monsters." Keyne said.

"No, I'm fine with just this. I've been eating a meat heavy diet recently so the vegetables are a nice change." Sora said.

Although Keyne didn't see a problem with eating meat every meal he decided to stop trying to convince Sora. "It's fine as long as he is happy." He concluded.

After they finished eating Sora asked Keyne to take the little cub Midori out of the tent.

"Midori come here and eat." Sora exclaimed sweetly.

The little cub's eyes lit up. It was very hungry. But it's papa and mama didn't let him out of the tent so he needed to wait patiently.

Sora first gave the little cub a plate with three types of food. The first was dried meat. It was the salted version so Sora was concerned it wouldn't be healthy, but Keyne told him it would be fine. The second was raw vegetables and berries they had collected from the forest. Finally the third was Sora's stir fried vegetables lightly seasoned.

The little cub moved close and began sniffing the three types of food. It's first choice was the familiar raw vegetables. But there was only a small amount.

Unsatisfied it tried the cooked vegetables next.

"Delicious!" It exclaimed to no one in particular. For Sora it sounded like a cute little growl. It quickly finished the small amount on the plate. When it was gone Midori couldn't help but lick the area a few more times.

The last one was the strange smelling meat. Midori tentatively licked it. "Salty" it thought not quite willing to try it again Midori looked up at Sora and Keyne with sad eyes.

"I don't think it liked the meat. Is it because it doesn't like meat or because it was overly seasoned?" Sora asked Keyne.

"We can try giving it meat next time we hunt a monster." Keyne suggested.

"You're right. It's already great that Midori likes cooked and raw vegetables." Sora said as he patted the cute little green cub. He then stood up and went over to the table to grab the leftover vegetables and stir fry.

Seeing the refilled plate the little cub growled happily before once again chomping down. A look of satisfaction on its face.

"It sound like a kitten purring!?" Sora thought. As it watched the little cub devour its dinner.

"Excuse me, Sir Keyne, Sora." Casa called out from the side.

"Casa is everything okay?" Sora asked.

"We've finished dinner and washed the dishes. I wanted to thank you for another delicious meal. This thing you call hot pot was delicious. My personal favourite was the miso one, but Rogue and the others seemed to prefer the spicy one."

"I'm glad everyone enjoyed it." Sora said. He couldn't help but feel a little awkward with Casa's distant way of talking.

"Sora... May I ask, is this meal typically eaten in winter? It seems to be similar to soup and stew. The way it warmed the body as we ate gives me the impression it would be ideal for winter." Casa asked after some hesitation. Sora could see Casa glance at Keyne before speaking as well.

"It is. It's perfect to eat with a group of people on a cold winter night. You can also make it with any combination of meat or vegetables you think appropriate." Sora said.

"It reminds me of eating stew in my home country in Deoful when I was younger." Casa said feeling nostalgic.

Sora smiled. Although stiff he was glad Casa was speaking with him again. After the short exchange Casa returned to his teammates. Keyne who had been listening from the side was had noticed the brief sorrow flash across Sora's face when Casa left.

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