Chapter 2: Saviour or Slave

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"Welcome to our world! Oh, great traveller from another world!"

Sora squinted as he tried to see what was around him. The only discernible shapes were some blurry shadows standing tall and straight around him. A mysterious shine reflecting off their bodies.

Sora felt around looking for his glasses that once again fell. "Shit, they better not be broken." He thought. He was far more concerned with finding his glasses than the man shouting from above.

"We of the Land of Norvish welcome you!"

Everyone watched as the curious man continuously crawled on the floor sweeping his hands back and forth. The sight comical and strange given the majestic nature of the event that had just transpired.

"Ahem! Traveller from another world. We are King Jowan. We have worked day and night summoning you to our world in hopes you would..."

"Excuse me, but could you please wait until I find my glasses before you continue your speech? I can't see anything or anyone at the moment and it's rather troubling." Sora said. As he looked up squinting.

Sora couldn't see it, but everyone in the room were dumbfounded by his words. Their mouths literally agape in shock.

A lone man with beautiful blonde hair the colour of sunshine stepped forward.

"Your glasses must have gotten lost when you transferred. They are not here. Once we are finished we can have a craftsman come and prepare a new pair for you." The man said in a polite and respectful voice.

Sora frowned at the man's words. Not to then recall having picked up a new pair moments before. He then began patting his coat pockets.

"Thank goodness." He thought when he felt the case holding his new glasses in his breast pocket.

"Would you like us to call for a craftsman?" The man asked again.

"No, I seem to still have an extra pair." Sora said as he removed the glasses from their case and placed them on his face.

The first thing he saw was a handsome man, roughly 30 years old. He looked like a foreigner with his blonde hair with a light wave reaching just past his strong chin. The slight stubble gave him an air of strength and a wild edge like a ruffian, yet his eyes were soulful and gentle blue.

Sora couldn't help but stare at the man, studying his unique features. Like him the knight stared back equally focused on Sora. A strange attraction between them.

"Ahem! Now that you have your glasses, we King Jowan of the Land of Norvich would like to personally welcome you into our world as our saviour." The King said slightly embarrassed.

He never imagined he would have to repeat himself so many times. Even so, he could empathize with the foreigner's confusion.

The King's interruption quickly gained the attention of Sora and the blonde knight.

Turning to look. Sora noticed how ordinary the king looked. It was nothing like he expected. The man was plump but not in the sense of being fat, but rather he because he had a round face and soft features. The tip of his nose was rosy in contrast to his large white beard. His clothes beautifully coloured, but lacking in jewels or gold.

"Why do I have the sudden urge to wish him a merry Christmas?" Sora thought jokingly. Clearly unaffected by the fact he was in a large hall surrounded by knights and what looked to be wizards.

"Traveller, what is your name?" The King asked.

"My name is unimportant. Please send me back." Sora said. Without thought.

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