Chapter 66: Another Step Forward

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Sora made himself comfortable on Keyne's firm back. As they walked through town he couldn't help but enjoy the view.

"I didn't realize the difference between our heights could be this dramatic." Sora muttered as he glanced around.

"Sora sweetheart, where's the jewelry store you went to?" Keyne asked.

"Aren't we going to the Craftsmen Guild?"

"We have more important things to do first."

"Shouldn't our appointment take priority? We can't leave Arthek waiting for us." Sora asked.

"The ring and marriage contract are our top priorities. The meeting at the Guild can wait." Keyne stated with confidence.

"In that case go down the street on the right. It's not far from here." Sora said as he leaned close his arm loosely hugging Keyne.

Keyne wasted no time and they quickly found the store. Walking in they were greeted by the same saleswoman Sora met the day before.

"Welcome back, is this your partner?" She asked with a warm smile.

"This is Keyne. We need to get his ring resized and he'll be picking out a ring for me today." Sora explained.

"I'm glad to hear everything went well. Although hearing your plan to exchange rings as symbols of your love left little doubt in its success. Hohoho." The old woman said with a laugh.

Sora took out the ring he had been wearing around his neck and gave it to the woman.

"Would you like a seat?" The woman asked.

"Thank you for the offer."

Keyne wanted to say no, but Sora agreed before he could.

A little reluctant, Keyne put Sora down into the chair. Sora once again grimaced from the discomfort but didn't complain considering the location.

"Keyne, is it? May I measure the size of your finger for the ring?" The woman asked.

Keyne held out his hand and pointed to the left ring finger. "Make it fit this one." He said with gentle eyes.

"No problem." The woman said as she measured his strong callused fingers.

Once done Keyne was free to look around the store for a ring. "Too many jewels, too thin, too intricate, none of these seem right." Keyne thought as he browsed through the display cases.

"Sora, how did you choose my ring?" Keyne asked hoping for some inspiration.

"How? When I saw it the colour reminded me of your magic." Sora said.

"The colour? Come to think of it Sora's magic is a beautiful mix of blue and black. It's very unique. If I were to compare it to a metal... only Meteoric Iron would match. It's black with streaks of blue running through it. I don't see any rings made from it on display. Not surprising considering its value as a magic conductor." Keyne pondered all the options but kept going back to the idea of using meteoric iron.

"Excuse me ma'am can I request a personalized ring?" Keyne asked.

"We can make all our rings custom to order if that is what you want. May I ask what you have in mind?" The saleswoman asked.

"I'd like a ring made exactly like mine but using Meteoric Iron." Keyne said.

"Meteoric Iron?! Using such a valuable metal for a ring is..."

"Price is not an issue. Can you make it?" Keyne said.

"It pains my heart to use such a valuable metal for a ring, but it isn't impossible. However are you certain? Meteoric iron is usually only used to make wands because of its conductivity with magic. Not to mention the amount needed to make a ring could be used to make ten advanced wands." The saleswoman said still reluctant to make it.

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