Chapter 151: Prince Jodi (POV)

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"Leader really acts rash when it comes to Sora. If this was normal he wouldn't dismiss Genevieve's request so easily. But to be honest I'm glad he did. I like Genevieve but she has been taking advantage of Leader's disinterest over the years." Prince Jodi thought as he watched Keyne and Sora walk out of the restaurant.

He wanted to quickly follow along but Genevieve grabbed his arm with tears in her eyes.

"Shit, now I have to take care of her." He cursed as he sat back down.

"Prince Jodi, why doesn't Keyne love me? I've always treated him well. I'm beautiful and hard working. Why won't he love me?" She asked as she softly sobbed.

"Leader is someone who knows what he wants. Once he does he goes for it full throttle. He isn't the kind of person who likes being chased but rather enjoys the chase." Prince Jodi said.

"So, you're saying if I had held back instead of chasing after him we would have had a chance?"

"Not at all. I've spent time with Leader and Sora and I can tell you with certainty those two are a once in a lifetime love story. If he had married you for convenience sake he would have dumped you the moment he saw Sora. They have that kind of love." Prince Jodi said with certainty.

"So you're saying there is nothing I could have done?" Genevieve asked.

"Nothing." Prince Jodi asserted before calling the waiter over to pay for breakfast.

"Are you leaving? What should I do?" Genevieve asked.

"Tell the nobles you won't do it. Tell them they won't win and you won't be party to their schemes." Prince Jodi said before walking away.


"Prince, we've just received word that the young Miss Genevieve has been abducted by Lord Harrow." A man dressed in all black said as he appeared from an alley.

"Have you set up a tail?"


"Good. Continue your investigation and leave no detail undocumented. We need everything if we are going to succeed." Prince Jodi instructed.

"And Miss Genevieve? Should we rescue her?" The man in black asked.

"No. It's better if she remains in their custody until we are ready to strike. Finding her imprisoned will be definitive proof of their wrongdoing." The prince reasoned. His words seemed cold but he felt it was necessary.


Prince Jodi continued on his way to find Keyne and Sora. They left before him to go shopping and he wanted to join them.

"Keyne!" He shouted when he saw him coming out of a rough looking house alone.

"Prince Jodi, what are you doing here?" Keyne asked.

Prince Jodi looked around curiously but he couldn't find Sora anywhere.

"Where's your better half?" Prince Jodi asked curiously.

"He's out with Archmage Galen and Hedrek. I plan to head over now." Keyne said.

"Wow?! Did you willingly separate from him or was it another fight? What did you do to piss him off this time?" Prince Jodi teased.


"Hahahah. You missed!" Prince Jodi taunted as he ran out of reach.

"Seriously, Leader is so easy to tease now that he has Sora!" Prince Jodi thought as he playfully ran around just outside the reach of Keyne's attacks.

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