Chapter 98: Sora's Distress

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Keyne carefully carried Sora into the house. Despite all that had happened the house was kept in perfect condition. To be certain Keyne examined, hit, pushed, and smacked the structure just to be certain the little house remained strong.

He did think of moving away from the tree. Maybe even returning to the construction site. However Sora was weak and he was hurt. He decided to instead bring Sora to the safest place he could see. And that was their little house.

Keyne limped over to the bed with Sora in his arms and gently placed him on it.

"You're okay, sweetheart. You'll be okay after a few days of rest." Keyne repeated on a loop.

Aweni perched itself on the window. Gwynn also followed Keyne inside with Sumi next to him. Sumi was no longer a little boy but had returned to its horse form.

They watched as Keyne took careful care of Sora despite his own injuries.

"You're hurt. Do you need me to get you some medicine from the construction guy again?" Aweni asked. Its tone was more soft-spoken after barely making it in time to help Keyne.

"I have some. Right now, I just need to get some rest." Keyne said. He removed his wet clothes and slowly dried himself off. Once dry he moved back towards the bed with plans to lay down together with Sora.

"You okay?" Gallos asked. The tree had grown so large and caused enough of a commotion that it was noticed by everyone nearby.

"Injured but nothing that can't be healed." Keyne said.

"That's good, but the people here are panicking. The guy called Arthek wants to send a few guys to check it out." Gallos explained.

Keyne looked around and found one of Sora's notebooks and a pencil. He quickly wrote a note and handed it over to Aweni.

"Bring this to Arthek." He instructed.

Aweni took the letter in its beak and left without its usual complaints.

"Gallos, I'm sending Aweni with a letter. No one is allowed to come here. They need to stay where they are and continue working on the house. I'll head over and explain more in a few days." Keyne explained.

With the letter sent and Gallos informed of the situation Keyne no longer had anything else to do. He headed back to bed to lay down with Sora.

"Should you not at least but a bandage or something on your leg?" Gwynn asked.

"It's fine. Gwynn keep an eye on the area. Things might become messy because of what happened." Keyne said before slipping under the blanket and snuggling up close to Sora.Keyne examined Sora's complexion from up close.

"He's as white as a ghost." Keyne thought with a pained look on his face. He leaned down and kissed Sora's pale bloodless lips. They were cold, but Keyne could faintly feel the breathe escaping from his lips.

He was terrified. However there was nothing he could do.  When someone overuses their magic and comes close to burnout the only thing they could do is rest. Only through rest could Sora's body readjust itself and replenish the magic that had been nearly exhausted.

He pulled Sora into his arms. Remembering the half-serious joke Sora had made about the best way to warm someone, Keyne removed Sora's clothes. With nothing but their underwear between them Keyne kissed the sleeping Sora once more. It was soft and sweet but also full of sorrow because of Keyne's trembling lips.

"Don't worry sweetheart. You'll feel warm again soon." He quietly whispered before the exhaustion overcame him and he fell asleep.


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