Chapter 123: Deal

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After cleaning up Sora invited Prince Jodi to eat breakfast with him and Keyne. Captain Kaver had caught some nice fish so he decided to make grilled fish with soup for a more  traditional Japanese breakfast minus the rice.

"Keyne and Jodi probably want meat. I guess I'll make omelettes with lots of meat mixed in. Hopefully it's enough. I'll have to make it up to them later with lunch. I'll make karaage for lunch with fries and tempura..." Sora thought as he prepared breakfast.

It didn't take long to cook breakfast. Sora usually did the cooking but Keyne liked to help. Often times he was responsible for grilling the meat while Sora seasoned, stuffed, breaded, or fried the rest. Not because he didn't want to help more but because Sora was a lot better at it than him and enjoyed cooking.

"Sora sweetheart, the fish is done."

"I'll be finished with the omelettes in a minute. Go call Jodi."

Prince Jodi was currently brushing Gallos off in the distance. Keyne looked over. He honestly didn't want to go get him. Despite his reluctance, Sora had asked and yelling was immature. He begrudgingly got up to go get him.

"Sora, says to wash up for breakfast."

"Great. What are we having?" Prince Jodi asked.

"Grilled fish, omelettes, and soup." Keyne said.

"What? No meat?"

"If you have a problem with my husband's cooking don't eat it." Keyne scoffed.

"No problem! No problem at all. I love his cooking. His food last night was amazing. It was better than anything I've eaten in a long time. I want nothing more than to eat his perfect and satisfying breakfast." Prince Jodi proclaimed.

When his food was threatened Prince Jodi put aside his jokes. He ran over towards Sora after speaking before Keyne could stop him.

"Sora, Leader told me breakfast is ready." Prince Jodi exclaimed excitedly.

Sora was a little weirded out by his enthusiasm. He handed the Prince a plate of food with grilled fish, an omelette stuffed with meat, and a bowl of soup.

"There's bread and jam over there if you want it." Sora offered.

"Jam? That stuff's expensive." Prince Jodi said. Happy to have some jam Prince Jodi reached forward to put some on his bread.

"What kind of jam is this? I'm not familiar with this colour. Sniff* Sniff* It smells spicy." After sniffing the jam he then took a bite.

"This is delicious!" Jodi said. He stuffed the bread into his mouth. Sora watched Prince Jodi finish the small slice of bread.

"His eating habits are as bad as Keyne's." Sora mused.

"It's a spicy jam Sora made from chillies and peppers. It's delicious." Keyne said.

Prince Jodi reached to grab some more but Keyne snatched it first. He took a spoon and ladled the jam on his omelette and some bread.

"Sora, do you want some jam?" Keyne offered.

"No, thank you."

Keyne placed the lid back on the jar and stuffed it in the bag next to him. Prince Jodi looked longingly at the bag with the jar.

"Can I have some more?" He asked.

"Keyne, let him have some more jam." Sora ordered without missing a beat.

Keyne reluctantly took the jar out of the bag and gave him the jar but not before saying, "if you want more you can buy it for five silver."

"Keyne, we have plenty at the cabin. There no need to sell it to him. He can have a few jars." Sora contradicted. Prince Jodi smirked while trying his best not to laugh.

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