Chapter 76: The Rings (Pt.2)

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After a long time of searching Sora finally found a fish he was satisfied with. It was pinkish like a red snapper. The size was a little on the larger size, but Keyne had a big appetite and Sora was happy as long as it fit in the pan. The fish looked so good he actually bought three of them.

"I'll use it for tomorrow as well." Sora thought when he saw the fish.

Keyne had no complaints. Seeing Sora meticulously look over each fish to pick out the best one for their special dinner made him feel warm and fuzzy.

After they finally finished at the market Sora turned to Keyne. "Should we go pick up the rings or lunch first?"

Keyne wanted to get the rings, but he also hoped they could quickly go home afterwards so he decided it might be best to get lunch first.

"Let's get lunch." He said after weighing the pros and cons in his head.

Lunch ended up being a quick snack they picked up at a food stall. Neither felt like sitting down to eat and it smelled tasty.

"What is it?" Sora asked.

"It's simple BBQ but they used a monster called a red eel. They are long and similar in appearance to snakes but they live in the water." Keyne explained.

"Eel, we'll have to buy some later." Sora said as he tasted the delicious skewer.

Keyne was glad Sora liked it but he was in a rush. He took Sora's free hand and slowly started heading towards the jewellery store as they ate their lunch.


Finally after a busy morning they arrived at the jewellery store. Keyne wanted to quickly go inside but Sora was dragging his feet a little.

"Sora, sweetheart?" Keyne was confused by his slow pace.

"I'm coming." Sora quietly said while looking down.

Keyne stopped and took Sora hands in his. "Are you nervous?" He asked his tone sensitive and understanding. But if Sora had looked up he would have seen a smile plastered on Keyne's face.

"I'm happy, but for some reason I'm also nervous. Not because I don't want to. It's... I don't know. I'm just a little nervous." Sora stuttered.

Chuckle* Keyne laughed at Sora's distressed look.

Sora glared at the laughing Keyne.

"Sorry, but I'm just really happy right now. If you weren't a little nervous I'd be worried you didn't consider our marriage as important." Keyne explained.

"You don't seem nervous." Sora retorted shyly.

"I'm also nervous but seeing you nervous is making me happier than nervous." Keyne said before giving him a soft peck on the cheek. He wanted to do more but they were standing in the middle of the street.

Sora turned bright red and zoomed past Keyne directly into the store. Keyne quietly laughed and with a big goofy smile followed him inside.

"Good morning! The two of you sure came early." The same saleswoman as last time said when she saw them enter.

"We aren't too early, are we?" Sora asked a bit disappointed.

"Hohoho! No, not at all. I have both your rings ready for you. Wait just a moment and I will go get them for you." The saleswoman said before walking through a door in the back.

Keyne quietly placed his hand on Sora's hip as they waited. When Sora felt his hand he looked up at him ready to admonish his use of PDA.

Sora was left speechless after looking in Keyne's loving eyes. His anger and embarrassment unable to withstand Keyne's adorable stare.

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