Chapter 132: Flight (Pt.1)

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The next couple days went quickly. The Prince came back to the house and although Keyne wanted to have him sleep in the stables with Midori and Gallos, Sora said he could sleep on the couch. A decision he quickly regretted.

"Hey, are you guys asleep yet?"

"You aren't being naughty up there, are you?"

"Can I come up and hang?"

"Hey Sora, can you make more of that karaage again?"

Every night the Prince would talk to them from his bed also known as the couch. Because their bedroom was a loft and had no door they couldn't shut him out. Keyne even tried burying him under a pile of dirt to shut him up.

By the third day Sora agreed with Keyne and asked the Prince to stay in the stables. The Prince didn't want to and begged them to let him stay in the house. Promising to be good they let him sleep on the couch one more night.

As promised he was quieter. That is until the middle of the night when he had decided to make himself a snack. Sora slept through it but Keyne was rudely awakened.


It was eight days after receiving the summons for Keyne to return to the Capital. They only had two days left before Keyne would be criminally charged if he wasn't in the Capital. Sora didn't mind the mystery, but now he was worried.

"Keyne, we really REALLY need to leave soon." Sora implored.

"It fine. We can leave the day after tomorrow in the early morning." Keyne said in a relaxed tone.

"Keyne, that's cutting it too close. Even if we arrive the same day it might still upset a lot of people. Can't we go tomorrow at the latest?" Sora countered. He didn't like cutting it so close to the deadline.

"My intention was to upset them, but if it's going to make you anxious we can leave tomorrow." Keyne said.

"Good, now that it's decided can you tell me how?" Sora asked.

"Wait? You still haven't figured it out?" Prince Jodi remarked.

"You know?" Sora said feeling out of the loop.

"Leader didn't have to tell me anything. There's only one answer. If you think about it a little it's pretty obvious."

Sora's brow furrowed from the Prince's insinuations. He glared at Keyne blaming him. Keyne noticed and smacked the prince dead on with a large ball of water.

"Hey!? Why do you always resort to violence? It's not my fault you wanted to be all mysterious with something so obvious!" Prince Jodi complained.

Keyne opened his hand a quick snap*, crackle*, and pop* rang out with a spark. The Prince flinched at the sound.

"Screw this!" The Prince cursed before running to the other side of the cart to hide. They were currently unloading the cart full of fresh fruit and vegetables they had harvested from Sora's new farmland.

Keyne could feel a chill coming off Sora who was slowly working next to him.

"Keyne, enough mystery. Tell me how we are going back to the Capital in under a day." Sora demanded.

"Koll. We will be using Koll. He can fly us over in under an hour." Keyne immediately and succinctly said.

"Koll? I thought you said he was grumpy, lazy, and hated helping with this sort of stuff?" Sora questioned.

"That's not wrong. I was also surprised when Koll suggested giving us a ride. He says that the nobles were sniffing around his mountain the past couple months. It was one of the reasons he chose to show up out of the blue and get involved." Keyne honestly answered.

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