Chapter 41: Call to Adventure

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Answering the door Keyne was faced with a large powerfully-built man with a sullen and intimidating look. The older man was a size larger than Keyne. Even so, Keyne didn't back down. With a fierce glare he stepped outside. Not wanting to disturb Sora he closed the door behind him.

"Can I help you?" Keyne asked with a deep impatient voice. He and Sora were enjoying a sweet moment but this man disturbed them. Adding the fact he hadn't gotten any sleep and Sora was ill, Keyne was not in the mood for pleasantries.

"Not one to waste time are you? Haha! No problem. I'm Blaine, leader of 'Call to Adventure'. The guild told us about your request."

Hearing the reason the man showed up on his doorstep Keyne was feeling more accommodating. Normally he would have invited the man inside but Sora needed rest. With that in mind he lead captain Blaine to the back deck to have a seat outside.

"I'm Keyne. Did the guild explain the request?"

"They said you're looking to survey and clear out some land. With a possible extension that includes guard duty." Blaine summed up the little info he received.

"My partner received a large area of land on the western shore of Loe Lake. We plan to build a house and start a self sufficient life there. Before we do, we need to clear the area of any dangerous monsters and map out what's there. Your job will be to accompany us over." Keyne added.

"How long do you think it will take?" Blaine asked. The length of time and reward were important if they were going to accept the request.

"He got 5 km squares of land including a shoreline. We plan on starting from the shore and making our way inland. I hope to survey the entire area, more if we see any signs of dangerous beasts."

"That's a big area for one man. Is your partner planning to settle a new village?" Blaine asked. He was really surprised by the size. At best it would take them a week to properly survey the area.

"It will be just the two of us." Keyne said with a smile. He didn't hate the idea of living in seclusion with Sora.

"What do plan to do about the monsters? Kill them, push them out, or give up?" Blaine asked.

"Kill the dangerous ones. Push out the weaker ones. Treat the area like you would when settling a new village." If they found any dangerous or territorial monsters in the area Keyne planned to tame them and gain control. But he didn't feel the need to tell Blaine.

Blaine seemed willing to take he request, but before making his decision he needed to talk numbers.

"John at the guild gave us a few numbers, but I wanted to talk with you personally." Blaine's words hinted that he wasn't too happy with the current reward, but was willing to negotiate.

Keyne wasn't adverse to the idea. "What do you have in mind?" Keyne asked.

"We're a seven man A-ranked team and I've got a nice boat we can use to reach the area you're talking about. Normally we wouldn't take on this type of job unless we were paid 1 gold a day plus food and monsters. But with the drought and high price for food we're willing to negotiate the payment if food is provided." Blaine said. His team specialized in subjugation requests, but times were tough.

The people could barely afford a potato so buying expensive monster meat was reducing the requests for subjugations. As for the monsters known for attacking they were a big problem and more ferocious than usual.

Unfortunately, towns and villages didn't have the funds to pay well to have them dealt with. Leaving Blaine and his team taking more profitable requests for guarding caravans.

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