Chapter 121: Stuffy

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"Hey Sora, your house looks great! I've never seen anything like that before. Can I go in later and check it out?" Prince Jodi said from the bow of the boat.

"The inside isn't finished yet but I'll give you a tour."

Sora was proud of the house and obviously wanted to show it off. But because he stayed at the spring he was the one always being shown the house instead of the other way around.

"The house is an A-Frame. Arthek is an amazing architect and built it out of..."

Prince Jodi listened as Sora described every detail of the house. Keyne who had been pulling Sora away the entire boat ride didn't bother to do it this time. Instead he enjoyed the look of regret on Prince Jodi's face.

Keyne was madly in love with Sora. But even he had given up on asking about the house. When he did have to bring it up he would try to keep it brief. He was also ready with another topic so he could switch the conversation quickly.

The only person who could keep up with his long rambling about the house, what it was made of, alternated designs, floor plan, colours, styles, and more was Arthek who was equally interested in the house.

Now Prince Jodi was stuck in what seemed like a never ending conversation about the house and Keyne was happy to let him listen.

Jodi looked over at Keyne for help. Keyne only looked back with a smirk and a light chuckle.


They finally reached the docks and began unloading the boat. It took a few cart fulls to unload it all but with everyone's help they finished just as the sun began to fall.

"So where's your tent? I'll set mine up next to yours." Prince Jodi said.

"We don't have a tent."

"Oh, so are you staying in one of the sheds or maybe the stable?"

"We have a little cabin Keyne built in the forest by a spring."

"A cabin? Leader built? Has it collapsed yet?" Prince Jodi remarked with an exaggerated expression of awe and amazement.

"Why would it collapse? Keyne's cabin is amazing."

"When we were young I tried to run away from home. Things were getting to suffocating with all the tutors and lessons. I made a little cabin but it was the worst. So I asked Leader and he helped me build another one in the woods. It looked great. For like three days. Then BAM! It suddenly collapsed."


"I don't know? It was a freak accident. I was lounging in the corner reading a book when suddenly it just collapsed. I can only suspect the Leader made a mistake somewhere in the construction."

"There was nothing wrong with my construction. You must have done something." Keyne said.

"What could I have done to make a building collapse?"

"Knowing you, a lot?"

"You talk like I'm always breaking things. I never break things. Your the one always breaking things with that stupid strength of yours. Like when you broke old man Krete's shovel."

"That was you. You took it from me and started swinging it around like a sword and broke it after smashing it against a tree."

"Wait, bad example. How about when you broke the handle on the..."

"That was you."

"The time we..."

"You! It's always you. You were always breaking things and I had to go around fixing everything." Keyne said.

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