Chapter 77: Vows

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Keyne and Sora sat on the sofa in the living room. Keyne pulled Sora close is arms tightly wrapped around his waist.

At first, Sora felt awkward but feeling Keyne's warmth Sora soon relaxed and leaned against him in a more comfortable position.

"Sweetheart I've told you about my life. If you have questions I'm willing to say more, but... I'm wondering if your willing to talk a little about yourself? If you still don't feel ready I understand. I won't force you." Keyne cautiously said. He eyes observing Sora's reaction as he spoke.

Sora didn't look excited to talk but after taking a deep breath turned to look at Keyne and began telling his story.

"My life started out normal. I'm an only child and I grew up in a small apartment together with my mom and dad. My mom was a teacher and my dad worked at a library. The apartment was always filled with books. I would go to school and play with friends. It was a really normal life."

Sora described it as normal but Keyne couldn't help but wonder why he looked so melancholic while describing it.

"Are your parents no longer alive? When you talk about them you always use the past tense?" Keyne asked.

"They died. A long time ago and it was my fault." Sora said feeling worse.

Keyne immediately regretted his question and held him tighter. Sora didn't mind and continued talking.

"When I was thirteen I often walked home from school and stopped at a little snack store owned by an elderly couple. The couple was really nice and sometimes they would give me snacks for free. My parents also thought they were friendly so we often stopped by the store when we went out together.
Things continued in this way for awhile. Then one day there was a big rainstorm. I was walking home from school and the old man from the shop stopped and offered me a ride home. I was happy for the offer and didn't hesitate to jump in his van. But it's one of the biggest regrets of my life.

You know in school they always taught us not to trust strangers or be tempted by free candy and so on. But the old couple were friendly and they knew my parents. I thought I could trust them, that they weren't stranger. But I was wrong. I was really really wrong." Sora admitted his hands slightly trembling as he spoke.

Keyne gave him a soft kiss at the top of his head. He wanted to comfort him, if only a little.

"When I woke up I was in a strange bed. The room was dark and I couldn't leave the bed because it was locked inside a cage. The reason I hate the canopies on the beds here is because they remind me of that bed. It's strange right? It's been so many years since then but there are still parts of my life that are affected by that period of time." Sora revealed.

"I understand, but I'm also a little curious why you have no problem with the tent? It seems similar." Keyne admitted.

"The tent is fine because whenever I sleep in one I know you'll be next to me." Sora whispered shyly.

Keyne's eyes narrowed as he tenderly smiled. He hadn't known Sora felt that way each time the slept together in the tent. "My sweetheart really is the sweetest." He thought as he once again gave Sora a light kiss.

"I was kept in the house by the old couple for about three years. My time there was strange and difficult to describe. I was allowed to roam the house during the day everywhere except the first floor. The house was built in a way that the kitchen was on the second floor and the bedrooms were on the third.
To this day I still don't know what was on the first floor. At night I would be locked in the cage for what they said was 'for my own protection'."

"That explains why he was so passionate when talking about abduction with the king when he first arrived. It was because he had experienced it himself." Keyne mused. He now understood a large part of the reason Sora seemed so guarded against the king despite being treated well.

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