Chapter 107: Picturing the Future (pt.1)

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"Sora, good morning." Kapelin said. They must have been awake for awhile because breakfast was nearly done.

"Good morning. Do you need help?" Sora asked.

"No need, mom and sis got it covered. Dad told me you wanted to discuss something with me?" Kapelin asked.

"I can't get into details but I'll be able to get my hands on a variety of vegetables and fruit. I plan to make something with them but because supplies are limited it won't be part of the regular rations. Instead they will be sold at points shop or in town."

"Wow, that sounds great. I mean the things you can make with the dried up stuff is already delicious I can't wait to taste what you make using fresh fruit and vegetables." Kapelin said.

"Actually I was hoping to get your advice. What do you think would be popular? I considered making jams or maybe some type of baked good, I also thought about maybe pickling them. I also considered maybe just selling them unprocessed so people could eat them as is." Sora said. He talked with excitement about the possibilities.

Kapelin was also excited and happily chatted away with him.

"Selling them as is sounds great, but I think a mix of options would be even better. What kind of vegetables or fruit will you be getting?"

"I'm not sure. It will probably be a mix for awhile. But I do have corn and anana fruit." Sora said.

"Corn!! That's great. It's been so long since I last had corn. Do you think you could spare a few for me and my family?" Kapelin asked.

"Of course. As thanks for helping with the food you, your family, and Arthek can have the first pick of anything I make or sell." Sora promised.

"Awesome." Kapelin said.

Sora felt a little bad seeing how excited Kapelin was about only a few pieces of corn. He was once again reminded of the difficulty people faced in this world because of the drought.

"Breakfast is ready." A little girl quietly announced.

"Thank you Maribel." Sora said. He liked the little girl who was shy and soft spoken.

They all went over to the table to eat. Keyne discussed a few things with Captain Kaver while Sora continued chatting with Kapelin. Breakfast itself was simple. They each had potato with meat and some bread. They sometimes had eggs, but not today.

"Earlier you said something about jam. You'll need slime to make it." Kapelin mentioned.

Sora had forgotten that they used a byproduct left behind from a slime as a substitute for gelatine in this world. He was slightly panicked so he looked over at Keyne for help.

"I'm familiar with collecting the necessary ingredients. It's easy to get." Keyne said. Sora was relieved to hear it wouldn't be hard, but this reminded him that some of his recipes would need to change or be modified.

"Maybe Jameson would be willing to give me a few recipes for jams or other baked goods?" He wondered. He'd have to talk to Keyne about sending him a letter later.

"I haven't figured everything out yet, but when I do, I would like your honest opinion." Sora said.

"Absolutely." Kapelin said with a bright smile. Sora also noticed the little Maribel looking at them expectantly.

"I would also like your opinion Maribel." Sora added. The little girl grinned from ear to ear. Her infectious smile made everyone at the table smile happily as they ate breakfast.


After breakfast Keyne brought Sora over to find Arthek. They had also finished eating and seemed ready to go.

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