Chapter 43: Keyne Asserts His Position

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"Unacceptable!" Gene stated furiously.

"Have I not apprised you sufficiently of the importance of etiquette?" Gene was clearly not impressed. As the oldest member of the team he had taken the role of teacher. And as their teacher he had taught them to treat their clients with the respect they needed.

"Are we really expected to escort that sickly man through an unfamiliar dangerous area?" Saira complained. Not once did she try to lower her voice or hide her displeasure.

"I thought this job was supposed to finally be fun?" Rogue moaned.

"Idiots!" Blaine cursed.

"I get you're worried about protecting the little man, but you should be more concerned with pissing off his husband." Blaine was also pissed at his team.

"That guy? I admit he looks tough but he ain't nothing we can't handle." Rogue dared to say.

Gene smacked the back of Rogue's head with his cane. "Have you learned nothing? That man is a dragon." Gene revealed.

Everyone in the room looked at Gene in shock. Gene was their mentor and teammate. He was a powerful magician who had decades of experience and they trusted his judgment above all else. For him to claim the man they met earlier as a dragon meant he was stronger than they imagined.

"Gene's right. He may seem docile now, but I guarantee he isn't someone you want to mess with. So fix your attitude." Blaine added. When he and Keyne had shaken hands the day before he realized Keyne was no ordinary man. That he was young, but definitely not weak."

"You're right. I'm not someone you want to piss off." Keyne had suddenly appeared. His oppressive aura pressing down on them. The team's first reaction was to grab their weapons. However the bloodlust emitted from Keyne made them fear for their lives.

"If we move he'll kill us!" They thought as they remained frozen in place.

"I understand that you are an A-ranked team. You worked hard and have earned the right to be cocky and selective of the jobs you take as well as your clients. But that won't work with me. If you can't treat my partner with respect and continue to pressure him or make him uncomfortable then leave now. Otherwise the next time you make him uncomfortable we won't be exchanging words." Keyne threatened.

Gene and Blaine had spoken at length the day before about the job. It paid well and they felt Keyne was no ordinary man. Building connections was important and they believed Keyne was one of those connections. It was also an opportunity to teach the other, younger members of their team about dealing with men of power.

Currently they dealt with wealthy merchants and a few lower nobility. Those who had no real power, only money or titles. If they wanted to become S-ranked Adventurers and deal with high paying and prestigious tasks they first needed to train the other members the proper etiquette and attitude.

Blaine had predicted Keyne was someone who dealt with those types of people and that his "partner" might be a nobleman of higher status. After speaking with Gene they decided to do their best with the request.

"Keyne, if you are willing to forgive our disrespect we would appreciate to opportunity to work with you." Gene said.

Keyne scrutinized the other members of the team. Seeing how they all seemed to comprehend the situation more clearly. Keyne relaxed his aura. "I look forward to working with you." He said.

With Keyne no longer suppressing them with his aura they felt as though they could breath again.

"Sora has made something delicious for everyone. It will be ready soon. Until then you can continue your discussion." Keyne said before heading back to the kitchen. His plan was to help Sora cook and give them time to consider their next move.

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