Chapter 82: Rules

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Arthek was worth every penny they were paying him. His experience as a master craftsman and his reputation at the guild were essential when dealing with all the workers.

Keyne wasn't completely hopeless, but contract workers and soldiers were different. Their motivation and training made it that a little more flexibility was needed when dealing with them. They couldn't be treated the same either.

Every man present had pride in their work and Arthek knew what to say to get them to listen and work efficiently. Keyne recognized his value and didn't interfere.

"Keyne, the campsites have been arranged. I was planning on letting the men eat before given them their assignments. Do you agree?" Arthek asked. He may have been trusted with the job but he knew to show respect to his employers.

Keyne appreciated the consideration. "That sounds perfect. I trust your judgment." Keyne politely responded. Like Arthek he was skilled at being a leader, although for different reasons.

"After they eat lunch I was thinking of introduce you and Sora. The workers can sometimes be a little carefree when they aren't working. I want them to recognize both of you to avoid any unfortunate situations. That isn't to say they won't be careful when you aren't around, but..."

"I understand. I was thinking an introduction might be good as well. We don't intend to interfere but Sora and I will be monitoring the progress and moving from job site to job site. It would be best if the men knew who we are to avoid any confusion. I also know you will be busy with the main house's construction and don't expect you to lead us around. It would be nice if we can talk to the men in charge of each job site for updates without difficulty." Keyne explained.

"Of course. Every night we will also hold a meeting to discuss the progress, any problems, and the next days plan. I hope you and Sora could attend the meetings as well." Arthek said. It was the standard in most big jobs to have meetings with the employer and Arthek had assumed they would want to go.

"That sounds great." Keyne said with satisfaction. His opinion of Arthek rose higher the more they spoke.


"Sora, it's time we prepare lunch for the workers. We should head to the main area and help Kapelin with the food." Keyne said as he walked into the tent.

Sora had been in a foul mood after their little walk. Keyne urged him to take a nap, but instead Sora pulled out a notebook and began jotting down who knows what in his notebook with a furrowed brow.

"Lunch? Mn... okay." Sora said as he got up. His notebook was still in his hand.

"Sora, maybe you should leave the notebook behind? Keyne said with some concern.

"I have a lot of important notes in it." Was all Sora said in response. Keyne sighed. He had a bad feeling it might take more than a little effort to rid Sora of his sour mood.

Even though Sora was feeling less than ideal they quickly went over to the tent set up to give the workers their assignments and food.

Kapelin had been waiting for them to arrive. When they were unloading the boat he stayed with the food and had taken it upon himself to organize things and prepare everything they would need.

Seeing everything in order brought a small smile to Sora's face even if only for a short moment.

"Sora, I've put today's rations over here. According to the meal plan you wrote today's lunch should be Brutus cow stew with fresh bread. Kapelin said with some confidence.

"That's correct. We have fresh meat so each group will be given a pre-measured bag of stewing meat, a jar filled with vegetables, five potatoes and bread. They are instructed to use the meat, potatoes, and jar's ingredients to make a pot full of thick stew and cut the bread fairly amongst themselves for lunch." Sora added. He them turned to Arthek.

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