Chapter 100: Treasure Hunt

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The next day was much of the same. Sora took care of everything and refused to let Keyne out of bed. But Keyne still managed to do a few things. One of which was to give Sora a haircut.

"Don't cut it too short." Sora warned.

"I won't. I just want to be able to see more of your face." Keyne said as he combed Sora's wet hair.

"Just clean it up a little. Maybe a centimetre or two?" Sora said. His nervousness was evident. But Keyne patiently listened and combed his hair.

"Trust me. I've cut a lot of hair. There won't be a problem." Keyne said. The corners of his lips shook as he tried to keep a straight face.

Sora grabbed the tips of his hair. "It's just hair, it'll grow back, right?" Sora thought.


"Okay." Sora said. His serious expression was funny. But Keyne didn't laugh. He carefully cut Sora's hair. Sora's expression went pale as he saw his hair fall on the floor.

"I'm almost done. I think you'll like it." Keyne said.

"..." Sora remained silent. He was trying his best not to move and risk Keyne making a mistake.

"Sora relax, it's only hair." Keyne said with a light chuckle.

"..." Sora once again said nothing. Keyne was tempted to say 'oops' at one point but in the end nd he chose not to tease his stressed husband.

He quietly continued cutting Sora's hair. When he was finally done he reached forward for the handheld mirror to show Sora. But Sora had his eyes closed tight.

"Baby, take a look. I think it looks good." Keyne said.

Sora opened one eye. He wasn't exactly confident in Keyne's skill. But to his surprise it looked good. Keyne had done what he asked and only gave him a quick trim. His hair was cut neatly above the ear and tapered at the back. His bangs were cut shorter. They landed just above his eyebrows revealing more of his face.

"What do you think?" Keyne asked but he already knew the answer. He could see it on Sora's face.

"It's... nice. Thank you." Sora said. He now felt a little stupid for not trusting Keyne earlier.

"You're welcome." Keyne smugly replied.


The next day Sora woke up to find himself alone in bed. He looked around but saw no signs of Keyne.

"Keyne?" Sora called out. He waited a few seconds for an answer but didn't get one. Worried he grabbed his glasses and walked out of the house in search of Keyne.

"What is he doing? He's supposed to be resting in bed." Sora grumbled. His first stop was the bathroom. But Keyne wasn't there. He walked back towards the house hoping he would see Keyne.

"Keyne! Where are you?" Sora called out again louder.

"Sweetheart, I'm here." Keyne said. Sora furrowed his brow ready to reprimand him for getting out of bed. But Keyne smiled and with exaggerated steps hopped over a few large roots over to him.

"Keyne, be careful your ankle?" Sora exclaimed.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. I cast healing magic early this morning and healed my wounds. I'm perfectly healthy again. I don't need to stay in bed." Keyne said. He then lifted up his leg to show Sora his ankle.

Sora was happy to hear Keyne was healed but he was still a little worried. He scrutinized Keyne's ankle. Holding it up despite Keyne currently standing on one foot. He lifted Keyne's pants to check his legs. Still unsatisfied Sora also pulled up Keyne's shirt revealing his flawless mermaid line. He then circled behind Keyne and ran his fingers across Keyne's broad back.

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