Chapter 74: Is it Too Soon? (NSFW)

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Keyne and Sora quickly set up the bath before bed. Sora as always went in first. As he relaxed in the bath his mind drifted while looking up at the starry sky.

His mind only drifted for a few minutes before he grabbed the soap and began scrubbing his body. "Is it too soon? No, my body feels fine and we are both young-push men? Actually how old is Keyne? He looks to be in his early thirties. He can't be much younger considering the position he held as commander, right?" Sora wondered briefly as he began lathering his body in a thick layer of soap. He wasn't certain what they would do at night but as long as there was a possibility Sora wanted to be clean and ready.

"Should I try cleaning inside?" Sora pondered. He had never cleaned that place so purposefully before. Even so, it seemed appropriate.

"I wish I remembered how Keyne cleaned me after the first time." Sora mused his face red as he tried his best to clean every inch of his body.


Keyne didn't say a word as he passed Sora and headed into the bath. While he was in the bath Sora snuck under the covers. His body warm and a little pinkish from scrubbing himself clean.

Keyne quietly entered the tent to find Sora snuggled up under the covers. His eyes watching him closely. Keyne smiled as he lifted the covers and lay down next to Sora.

Leaning close and he gave Sora a quick peck on the lips. The brief touch of warmth quickly fading. Sora lightly frowned at the touch. His disappointment evident.

Keyne however smiled. He was glad Sora yearned for more. He once again moved in close to give Sora another light kiss. Only this time Sora didn't let him escape.

When Keyne began moving away Sora pressed forward. Chasing after the retreating Keyne.

Keyne wanted to laugh at Sora's forwardness. But he didn't. Instead he indulged Sora's desire and soon they engaged in a deep passionate kiss. Their lips pressed tight and breath mixing.

Keyne wasn't idle. His hands pulled Sora closer. His strong callused fingers wandering beneath Sora's shirt. Slowly traveling along his spine.

Sora had to pull away gasping for air. His body hot. This time Keyne was the one who didn't let him escape. He moved closer. Nipping at Sora's chin while Sora tried his best to catch his breath. However it only made Sora more breathless.

Keyne didn't stop there. His lips moving down Sora's neck to his delicious collarbone. Sora hummed at the touch.

His body hot with expectation Sora leaned back inviting Keyne to do as he wished.

Keyne's eyes narrowed at the invitation. "My love are you sure? It hasn't been long since we last went all the way. Will your body be okay?" Keyne asked his voice low and provocative.

Sora wanted to say it would be fine. But then he tried remembering what their plans for the next day would be.

"We need to wake up early and head back to town, then... then I don't know." Sora mumbled as he tried to resist the temptation.

"There's nothing we need to do. We can relax and rest." Keyne whispered back.

With Keyne's answer Sora no longer resisted the temptation. He raised his leg and hooked it around Keyne's muscular thigh. Keyne smiled at the provocative act and pressed down on Sora.

"Don't regret it later." Keyne said as he began pulling away at Sora's clothes. His hands quick and gentle.

Sora was soon left naked. A cold breeze blowing by as Keyne admired the sight.

"Achoo!" Sora sneezed. His body chilled by the wind. Unlike the bedroom the tent left little protection from the elements.

Keyne panicked. His mind racing as he tried to think of a solution. "Sora on the other hand didn't worry. He pulled at Keyne's clothes rushing him to undress and join him.

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