Chapter 135: Genevieve

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"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Sora asked.

Keyne hadn't had a chance to sign in with the judge yet. He technically had until tomorrow but Sora didn't want to risk something going wrong.

"Sweetheart, it's been a rough journey. You have a slight fever. I don't want it getting worse. Stay here and get some rest. I will be back soon. If you need anything tell Aweni. He can convey your words to me." Keyne said. Hearing its name, Aweni fluttered its beautiful wings. A warm gust of wind passing through the room as it did.

"What if something happens to you? How will I know?"

"To me?"

Keyne was a little surprised by his question, but also touched. He smiled softly and in a sweet voice told Sora exactly what he wanted to hear.

"If I'm in trouble I'll tell Aweni to fly in a circle around the room." Keyne said. The next moment Aweni circled around the room before returning to his perch on the chair by the window.

"Shouldn't you have Aweni go to you if something happens. Or maybe he could go find the Prince?" Sora said seemingly dissatisfied with Keyne's arrangements.

"No, he must stay with you. Aweni may not seem strong but he can fight. If something happens to me there is a chance they will come after you. He needs to stay here to protect you. You also need to be prepared to fight if someone suspicious approaches. Don't let anyone in the room. And if needed be prepared to run."

"Run where?"

"Run to an open field. Aweni is stronger outdoors in an open space. He can also send out a signal for the prince once outside." The Keyne continued.

"Keyne do you honestly think something could happen? Something bad enough to require a fight?" Sora nervously asked.

"Sweetheart, every time I leave your side I fear the worst. Back home there was Gwynn, Sumi, Gallos, and the area was secure in all directions. Even then I was anxious leaving your side."

"You sound overprotective, paranoid, and controlling." Sora said with a smile.

"Do you hate it?"

"No. But I need you to know I also worry about you. I can't fight, or protect you if something happens. Even so, I can't help but worry when we are apart knowing something could happen. Keyne, promise me you'll be careful?" Sora said.

"I promise." Keyne said. He gave Sora a soft kiss before heading out.


Sora sat alone in the room going through his notebook. He planned to open the little shop to sell his crops the next day.

"Keyne said these prices are reasonable considering where we are and the current situation. But they look too expensive to me. Then again, the point is to make them expensive and pay off the money I owe on the house." Sora thought as he looked at the prices.

Calculating how much they brought he could easily pay off what he owed and have savings set aside to buy whatever he needed to continue making jams and other things.

Knock... knock*

"Who?" Sora wondered when he heard a knock.

"It's probably for someone else. The walls here are too thin." He concluded.

Knock... knock... knock

The knocking continued. Sora was growing annoyed at the noise. He had a slight fever and along with it was a headache. Wanting the knocking to stop he opened the door.

"Be quie...?!"

Opening the door a woman was standing in front. Her hand was raised in preparation to knock again. She had curly red hair draped over her shoulders. Her eyes were a beautiful emerald green pairing beautifully with her pale skin and rosy cheeks. She was slim with a ample bosom the only flaw seemed to be a slightly bulging gut.

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