Chapter 91: New Glasses (pt.2)

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Keyne had the inn prepare Sora's medication. He then took Sora upstairs to their room. Entering the room Keyne looked at the bed canopy. Remembering Sora's dislike for bed canopies he lowered Sora to one of the chairs and proceeded to take it down.

"Keyne? What are you doing?"

"Making the room more comfortable." Keyne said.

"Sorry for the trouble."

"It's no trouble, my sweet."

Knock... knock

Keyne answered the door to find a young woman standing there with a cup of something that smelled awful. Right away Sora knew it was the medicine Keyne had asked to be prepared.

He didn't like taking the bitter medication, but he also didn't hate it. It was necessary after all. Keyne thanked the young woman then placed the hot cup of medicine on the table to cool.

"Sweetheart, after you drink your medicine you should take a nap."

"That's fine, but we need to talk to Kapelin's family about working for us. We also need to decide what we should do next. It will take a few days for my glasses to be ready. We can wait here in town, but we can't do much. Maybe we should head back and have the glasses delivered later? Although I still won't be able to do much." Sora said. His hands were itching for a notebook as he spoke.

"Sora, there is no rush to do anything. We can spend a few days here. Arthek and Kapelin have the situation in order. We can head back after you've been healed and you have your glasses." Keyne said.

Sora placed his hand over his ribs. It was painful, his breath was unsteady, and he felt both hot and cold at the same time. Despite the pain, as long as he didn't move quickly or too much it was bearable. But he couldn't deny not wanting to move. Even so, he also felt terrible about not doing his part to help with the construction.

Keyne could tell Sora was struggling with not being able to help. "Sora most people who pay to have something constructed leave the work to the construction crew. We are not obligated to help."

"But it's our home." Sora said.

Keyne smiled the moment he heard 'our home'. He loved how Sora had subtly changed from using the pronoun 'I' to 'we' since they had gotten married.

"There are several weeks left in the construction process. We won't miss much staying here for a week." Keyne added. He then prepared to give Sora his medication.

Sora could smell the medication. Knowing Keyne had brought it closer. Sora raised his hand to take it but Keyne had other plans. He grabbed Sora outstretched hand and kissed it.

"Keyne that's not..."

"There's no one here. Let me help you." Keyne said.

"Keyne I can..."

"I know, but I want to do it. Humour me?" Keyne begged. Sora couldn't see his face, but he could imagine the cute puppy dog look.

Sora opened his mouth. Keyne smiled and helped Sora drink his medicine. When done Keyne helped him into bed. The medicine quickly began to work. Sora's eyes grew heavy.

"Keyne will you be here when I wake up?"

"Do you want me to be here?" Keyne asked.

"Keyne don't tease me." Sora complained.

"I'll be here. My dear husband." Keyne said. He then gave Sora a soft kiss on the forehead. The hot touch against his lips pained his heart because it meant Sora had a fever.


The next few days went by quickly. Sora who had been running a fever slept through most of it. While he did Keyne ran a few errands.

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