Chapter 140: Face Off

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"Keyne!" Genevieve exclaimed the moment they entered.

"Tch... why is she already here?" Sora swore under his breath as he clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction.

The young woman stood up and quickly made her way over. Sora was dissatisfied and stepped between her and Keyne. He didn't trust that she wouldn't try to grab or hug Keyne.

Keyne saw him step forward and smiled. Genevieve who only had eyes for Keyne thought he was smiling because of her. Thinking Keyne was welcoming her she tried to get closer

"Don't touch him." Sora declared when she tried getting past him.

"You have no right to get between us." She declared.

"The one who has no right is you. I'm his husband." Sora said with a smug look.

"A husband is useless. You can never give Keyne what he truly desires. A family. I can. No, I already have." She said while lightly patting her baby bump.

"If it's giving him a bastard child I could do that, too. Just point me in the direction of any orphanage." Sora scoffed.

"That doesn't count. This is his flesh and blood."

"Liar. My husband has never slept with you. And I doubt this place knows how to do artificial insemination."

"Art... artificial what?" Genevieve asked confused by Sora's words.

"Artificial insemination. It's when you get a woman pregnant without having sex. The fact that you don't know what it is means it's impossible that child is his." Sora explained with a mocking tone.

"We've done it. We've made love. That's why I have this child." Genevieve kept insisting the baby was Keyne's. they hadn't even sat down yet and the conversation was already heating up.

"Genevieve, let's sit down at discuss the truth." Keyne said.

"Yes, let's talk about the truth." Sora scoffed.

Genevieve was unimpressed. She glared at Sora before whipping her hair back and returning to the table she was previously sitting at. It was a table for four. Genevieve excitedly patted the seat next to her.

"Honey, sit here."

Sora wouldn't allow it. He pushed Prince Jodi towards the chair. Genevieve looked a little sad but then she began patting the chair to her left in the same way.

This time Sora sat down. The only chair left was the one furthest from her.

"Do you mind moving over. I'd like my honey to sit there." Genevieve said while trying to come off as polite.

"He's not your honey and he's not sitting next to you." Sora said.

Genevieve looked at the prince and opened her mouth ready to ask him to move.

"Prince Jodi isn't moving either." Sora said before she could utter a single word.

"I won't sit next to you." Keyne added in support of Sora's decision.

Sora nodded in approval. Genevieve was clearly unhappy but she decided not to fight.

"Keyne, I ordered your favourite stew." Genevieve said effectively changing the topic.

"Keyne, we had the stew last time. How about trying something different?" Sora suggested.

"The stir fry is also delicious." Keyne suggested.

"Is that all?"

"I often ordered the cockatrice soup." Keyne said.

"Both sound good. Keyne you order the stir fry and I will get the cockatrice soup. This way we can share." Sora said.

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