Chapter 93: Little cabin (pt.1)

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By the time they reached the spring it was already dark. Keyne would have liked to start construction but it was far too dark to do anything. Even with light magic it wouldn't be a wise decision.

Rather than start something he couldn't do much with he decided to take it slow. He had Sora start preparing dinner while he set up the tent.

"Are you not making the sweet and sour deep-fried cockatrice?" Keyne asked when he noticed Sora pull out one of the stew jars.

"I'll make it tomorrow for lunch. My stomach is still a little off."

Keyne's brow furrowed when he heard that Sora was still feeling unwell. He wanted to say something but he was a little reluctant to mention his health or ask him to rest after the incident earlier in the day.

Keyne hadn't said anything but Sora noticed him glancing over at him frequently while setting up the tent.

"He's peeking again." Sora thought. As he looked over at Keyne and noticed him looking from behind the tent. The moment Keyne noticed Sora he turned away and tried to pretend he was busy working. But it was too late.

"Pfft! He's so cute. I was only a little upset but now he's being so careful. It's adorable. I wanna pet him!" Sora thought. He tried not to laugh aloud but the scene was too much for him.

"Cough... cough... COUGH!" Trying to stifle his own laughter Sora ended up coughing instead.

Hearing him cough Keyne misunderstood and thought he was catching a cold. The weather had been getting colder and things had been a little hectic during the day.

He grabbed a blanket and forgetting his earlier  carefulness ran over to Sora and draped it over his shoulders.

"Sweetheart, where are you uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine, I just had a little tickle in my throat. It's gone now. You don't have to worry." Sora said.

Keyne wanted to believe him, but there was a light nagging in his heart. Sora could see Keyne's struggle. It was amusing for awhile, but Sora decided to put him out of his misery.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I admit I was a bit short fused earlier. I won't get angry so easily again." Sora coaxed.

Keyne was pleasantly surprised by Sora's coaxing. Enjoying the moment Keyne put on a wronged face.

"Sweetheart, I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Kiss me." Keyne said.

Sora lightly kissed Keyne on the lips.

"More." Keyne whispered as Sora pulled away from his lips.

Sora hesitated a little. He knew what Keyne meant by more. He wasn't against doing more. However he was serious when he said his stomach still felt off.

"Keyne, not tonight. I... I'm not in the best condition." Sora finally said. He pressed his forehead up against  Keyne's. At first Keyne thought he was being playful, but then he noticed Sora was a little warm.

"Sweetheart, I want you to take some medicine tonight. You might be getting a fever." Keyne said in response.

"I don't think it's that bad. It's really just my stomach. I'll be fine by morning." Sora said. He didn't expect Keyne to mention taking medication for a fever.

"Just to be careful, my sweet." Keyne said before giving Sora a soft kiss.

Keyne then decided to stop fooling around and left to finish setting up camp. Sora was a little surprised he gave up so quickly. Even so, he didn't intend on complaining and returned to cooking dinner.

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