Chapter 117: The Palace

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"This is an outrage!" Lord Harrow exclaimed.

"Lord Harrow you are in the presence of his Majesty the king. Conduct yourself accordingly." One of the king's ministers exclaimed angrily.

"Forgive me Your Majesty. However I cannot remain calm after receiving word of the dragon Koll running amok through our fine kingdom. It was sequestered to Mount York. For it to leave its mountain and threaten our citizens in the North is unacceptable." Lord Harrow said with an intense fervour.

"Lord Harrow, the dragon Koll has remained on Mount York at the behest of Sir Keyne. Now that Sir Keyne has moved to the North it is not unusual for his tamed monster to follow." A minister said.

"The Dragon Koll cannot belong to a single man. The kingdom must remain in control." Lord Harrow proclaimed.

"Control? No man nor Kingdom can control a dragon such as Koll. We are lucky Sir Keyne has successfully charmed the dragon into becoming his tamed monster and acquiescing to our requests." Another minister said.

"And where is the great Sir Keyne now? Your Majesty you gave that orphan your trust and he has betrayed you. Leaving the palace to follow a foreigner, worse an ungrateful summoned man who abandoned his responsibilities and duties. We cannot allow this. Sir Keyne must return to the Capital! The Dragon must be loyal to the Kingdom! The summoned man must fulfill his duties to the Kingdom!" Lord Harrow exclaimed.

"Lord Harrow, Sir Keyne and Sir Sora have done plenty for this kingdom. They are free to build their lives wherever they wish. They are not prisoners. Nor have they abandoned us. Sir Keyne is a trustworthy and loyal knight of our court. Your words are uncalled for." The King said displeased by his words.

"Your Majesty, Lord Harrow may have chosen the wrong words. I believe what he is trying to say is that Sir Keyne is a valuable asset to the Kingdom. His unique taming magic has benefitted this kingdom and continues to do so with regards to calming the dragon Koll. I believe, like myself, Lord Harrow simply wants what's best for the kingdom. And that is for Sir Keyne to return to the Capital." Lord Ferlong said.

Lord Ferlong was known to side with Lord Harrow. But he was more subtle in his approach or some might say more devious. Because of his well thought out words he was far more successful in his endeavours compared to lord Harrow who was known for his shirt temper.

"You speak as though Sir Keyne has failed in his duty as a knight of the kingdom, but he has not. Even now he continues to work hard for the Kingdom." A minister said.

"Not failed, simply underperformed. Someone of his talents should be here at the Capital. Otherwise they will go to waste." Ferlong clarified.

He could tell the King was not pleased with their discussion concerning Sir Keyne. However, they could not give up niw before addressing their real concern.

"Even the most talented men deserve happiness and the freedom to build a life with those they love." The King said.

He had received word for Keyne himself about his abduction Sora's marriage as well as other pertinent information. In fact, he had received a letter that very morning detailing the incident that had occurred with Koll and the excuses the nobles' henchmen were using to trespass on their land and investigate Sir Sora.

Suffice to say he was not pleased with the situation. Sir Keyne had told him about Sora's magic and how they were thinking of ways to help the kingdom. However before doing so they wished to finish their home and master the skills needed to successfully aide the kingdom.

The king was grateful for the news. Unfortunately, the constant interruptions and trouble the nobles and their men had caused delays and made it difficult to focus on what was most important. The king was familiar with Sir Keyne and  knew he would not complain unless he felt there was no other choice.

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