Chapter 52: Split

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Keyne had taken Sora away. During their walk Sora had many questions he wished to ask but didn't.

"He's in a bad mood. Is it because I wanted to save the cub? Or maybe it has something to do with me being touched by Saira? I know Keyne can be very protective and he is my boyfriend but didn't she grab me because I was in danger?

Afraid to ask Sora could only silently follow along as they moved further away from the group.

"Is this safe? Aren't we still in Terra Ursa territory?" Sora now wondered. They had brought the A-ranked adventurers to help keep them safe. Sora couldn't imagine moving so far away from them to be a good idea.

Stop *

Twenty minutes passed before they finally stopped. Sora looked around curious as to why they had stopped in that place.

"Sora, do you know what happened just now during the battle?" Keyne asked. They were the first words he had spoken since they left the group.

"What do you mean?"

"With Saira. Do you understand what she did?" Keyne repeated a little more clearly.

"She pulled me. I think. But I don't know why, I did hear a noise in the bush but that was the little cub. I think. Was there something else I missed? Was I in danger?"

"You weren't in danger. From what I could see you heard the cub in the bushes correct?" Keyne decided to slowly go through the earlier events with Sora. He wanted Sora to understand clearly what had occurred. Not because he didn't think Sora would support his anger, but rather because he wanted Sora to understand why he was angry in the first place.

"I did. I thought a third monster was in the bush. I was scared and didn't know what to do." Sora admitted. He now felt foolish for overreacting.

Keyne however didn't think Sora was overreacting. Rather he was glad Sora had noticed the presence of the cub.

"It's good that you noticed. When in battle it's important to remain vigilant of your surroundings." Keyne praised.

"I noticed but I couldn't do anything. At the time I could only think to find you. But you were in the middle of fighting the first Terra Ursa that appeared." Sora said with a light blush.

"I know. Despite the situation you still moved closer in my direction." Keyne said.

"I did but before I could Saira pulled me back. I guess I was in the path of a spell or something dangerous would have happened if I got closer to you." Sora tried to find a reason for her actions.

"There was no such reason. You're path to me was safe. I saw you approaching and it would not have been an issue. Even if there was, the way she hurt you is unacceptable." Keyne said as he gently ran his fingers around Sora's neck.

The force had caused a dark red bruise that was quickly turning bluish and faint traces of blood wher his clothes had chaffed his skin. The sight seemingly more gruesome against Sora's slender white neck.

Sora was shaken by Keyne's sad expression. His face turning a brighter red as he shrunk his neck.

"Keyne, I'm okay. It isn't as bad as it looks." Sora said as he lowered Keyne's hand.

"It's not okay. She had no right to hurt you." Keyne said with a stern deep tone.

"Maybe she had a good reason. One neither of us noticed." Sora offered.

"There will never be a good enough reason to justify her actions." Keyne stated.

Sora tried to understand where Keyne was coming from. But he couldn't think of a reason Saira would have grabbed him. Nothing except that he was about to do something dangerous. So he hoped they could talk with her first before jumping to conclusions.

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