Chapter 83: Bad Mood

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"Sweetheart, it's okay. You're okay." Keyne said as he held Sora close.

Covered in a cold sweat Sora gasped for breath. He had once again had a nightmare. Barely conscious he clung to Keyne. Keyne did his best to soothe the exhausted and frightened Sora.

"You're okay. Everything is okay. I'll figure out a way to fix this. Shhh." Keyne whispered as he rubbed Sora's back that had become drenched in sweat.

Since arriving at the construction site Sora had been in a foul mood. It had been three days since then and Sora's situation was only getting worse. He couldn't sleep and he was always on edge.

Keyne had spoken with the Treant concerning Sora's condition and it continually advised Keyne to get Sora away from the construction site and move him somewhere surrounded by plants. He also wanted Keyne to bring Sora to it so it could teach him magic.

"Was it the same nightmare again?" Keyne asked him.

Keyne could feel Sora rub his face up and down against his chest. Confirming his suspicion.

Every time Sora seemed to have the same dream. He was walking through a forest. The forest had beautiful lush trees and plants. With each step the green would fade, the plants would droop until finally all that was left were dead, brown, dried up plants.

Surrounded by the death and decay Sora felt breathless. There was a sense of dread that filled his heart. He tried to run, to try and escape but soon the plants and trees melted into a disgusting black sticky tar that sucked him in like quicksand. He screamed for Keyne. But no one came and just as his head was about to sink below the surface he would wake up.

Sora was unraveling. On the first day he was only feeling on edge. His attitude was poor and every little thing seemed to annoy him.

Keyne lovingly gave Sora his space and comforted him as best he could. But when night hit and he suffered nightmare after nightmare Sora only worsened.

Unable to sleep Sora grabbed his notebook. Keyne looked at the notebook and wanted to burn it to ash. "That damn notebook again." He cursed.

Sora was muttering incoherently as he wrote in it. Keyne had no idea what Sora was writing because it was in his native language. But he wasn't stupid. He could tell that whatever he was writing was being repeated every few lines which concerned him.

"Sora what are you writing?" Keyne asked.

"... m$:):$/...)38-djdhskja....):?/$!'sgdjsbsh..."

Sora's response was a bunch of gibberish he muttered under his breath. Keyne kissed his furrowed brow. Taking the blanket he wrapped Sora tight and held him as he fanatically wrote in his notebook.


When daybreak broke, Keyne snuck out of their tent and went to see Arthek.

"Keyne, what brings you by at this hour?" Arthek asked when he saw Keyne approach.

"Sora and I will be away for a few days. Kapelin will be able to handle most of the food, but I need someone to collect and butcher the meat." Keyne explained.

"Terran can handle that. Just tell him where to go and he'll get it done. I also have my shop worker who can help Kapelin out with making the bread and anything else he might need." Arthek offered.

He knew Sora was having a difficult time. He didn't understand what was wrong but if Keyne said they needed to leave he wouldn't stand in their way.

"I appreciate it. Every morning he'll find the day's hunted prey by our tent. He can head over and grab it." Keyne said.

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