Chapter 20: Shopping

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Sora had gone through most of the ingredients available in the kitchen and luckily found most of what he wanted. Surprisingly this new world had all the basic ingredients used in modern cooking. Along with a few unique ingredients Sora was interested in trying

This list included items like flour, baking soda, cornstarch, sugar, vinegar, gelatin, cooking oil (animal and plant based), a miso type paste, soy sauce, hot sauce and more. Although many of the items were substitution. For example the gelatin was made from Slimes, and the miso wasn't a fermented soybean product but a type of algae found in swamp areas.

Hearing about the differences was interesting for Sora, but more than that he was glad he could find most of the ingredients he used in the other world.

"With these I can make most of my favourite dishes. Although they might taste a little different and need some adjustments." He thought as admired the checklist.

Are we done yet? It's nearly time to eat. Let's head to town for lunch. I'm tired of eating palace food." The princess complained. At first she was excited to go through the kitchen but soon lost interest when Sora and Jameson began discussing each item at length.

"I agree. If we don't leave for town soon we won't have any time to shop." Archmage Galen said in agreement. Much like Princess Ewella he also grew tired of discussing food and ingredients.

Sora looked to the door with a touch of melancholy. "I suppose we should leave soon." He said with a sigh.

Knock... knock

Just then Keyne walked though the door with his usual smile. "I'm glad I caught you. Is everyone ready to go into town?" Keyne casually asked as though they had been waiting for him all along.

"Keyne, have you finished your work for the day?" Sora asked as he quickly walked over to his side. A warm smile naturally appearing on his face.

"I still have a few things I need to do tomorrow, but yes. I'm free the rest of the day." Keyne answered.

"Let's not waste anymore time and get moving. We have a lot of places to see and barely anytime left." Princess Ewella said as she pushed Keyne out of the kitchen. Sora quickly followed along not once turning back to see if the others were coming.


Reaching town town they decided to stop by a restaurant for lunch first. The final decision on where they would go was decided by chef Jameson who chose a restaurant owned by a friend of his. The man excelled at pastries and desserts which Sora had shown an interest in earlier.

"Jameson? It's nice to see you again, I'll go tell my husband that you're here." An older woman said as she walked by with a tray of beautiful cakes and pastries.

"Thanks, but I'm here for lunch. Do you have a table for six we can use?" Jameson asked as he pointed at the group following behind.

"My?! So many? Do you plan on having lunch here?" She asked surprised by the large group.

"That's right, I was actually hoping we could have a tasting menu of sorts. This young man is a food enthusiast from a foreign land and I wanted him to try out some of the local cuisine. Do you think Largos will mind?" Jameson asked. Apparently he intended to order a family style meal for the entire group without consulting them.

"For you? It's never a problem. I'll go tell him after I take care of these customers. Why don't you go find yourselves some seats on the second floor. Today is such a beautiful day you should enjoy it." She said before walking away.

Jameson quickly led the way to the second floor balcony. The sun was bright without a cloud in the sky. The balcony had a large canopy set up to protect the patrons from the sun, but still allowed for the light to pass through. Sora sat down by the edge and enjoyed the view of the city below.

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