Chapter 48: Shore

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The shore was in sight and Sora couldn't help but smile at the sight. They had been on the boat for 6 hours and he was anxious to get off and explore his new home.

"It's beautiful. The trees are lush and big. It's what's the word? ... oh that's right, picturesque! Like what you'd see on a postcard or in a magazine." Sora mused as he looked at the view.

Sniff* Sniff*

"It's smells fresh like wild flowers and the unique scent of fresh water. I know I'll need to clear some of it for the farm but I'll try not to cut too much. If we keep the farm near the lake's shore where the plants are more sparse it should be okay."

Sora was going over all the changes he could do. The closer they got to the shoreline the more he could see and the more amazed and excited he got.

While Sora was making plans, Keyne and the others were also busy making their own plans. A plan of attack.

"The area over there is less dense and provides a wider area of sight." Blaine suggested.

"I am more partial to this area. The shoreline curves inwards creating a small inlet. We should land there and secure it before heading into the more dense areas." Gene countered.

Keyne agreed with Gene. The inlet allowed for calmer water and they could approach more safely.

"I'll go up and see what I can find" Saira said before once again climbing the mast. The height would allow her a better view.

"How do you propose we reach the shore?" Keyne asked.

"Normally we'd swim, but... it's a little difficult to know what's under the water here. It will be risky." Blaine explained with a knowing glance towards Sora.

"Sora?" Keyne called out.

"What is it?"

"We're planning on anchoring the ship offshore and swimming."

"What will we do with our bags and clothes?" Sora remarked. Apparently more concerned about their bags than the danger.

"We can use spiritual magic to carry the bags across and we will need to dry our clothes afterwards."

"Why not use spiritual power to fly over?" Sora wondered. But he kept his question to himself. Now wasn't the time and he felt the others might think poorly of him if he asked. He knew they weren't ecstatic about his fighting capabilities. He didn't want them to also think he was stupid.

"Okay. Listen to you." Sora said. He had decided to agree rather than question it.

"The plan will be to swim across in three groups. The first will be Gene, Saira, and Rogue. The others will stay aboard the ship and keep watch. After the first group reaches shore and secures the area the next group Keyne, Sora, and Casa can go. Once the second group swims across the last group Ebriel, Alma, and I will go." Blaine directed.

"As we swim one member of each group will be responsible for a portion of the luggage. The other two will need to be vigilant while in the water. We have no knowledge of what monsters may be present in these waters. Caution is advised." Gene added.

"Alma will use spiritual magic for my group Gene for his. Keyne would you prefer to move the luggage or Casa?" Blaine asked.

"Sora wanted to offer, but he didn't have enough confidence in his spiritual magic yet. He had gotten good at combining it with elemental magic, but was still shaking when it came to psychokinesis.

"Casa will be in charge of the luggage. I will guard the group as we move." Keyne said. He much preferred to have his "hands free" if they were attacked then rely on Casa to protect Sora.

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