Chapter 145: Change in Plans

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Keyne wanted to take Sora out to a good restaurant for dinner but Sora preferred to eat at the inn. He didn't want to be stopped repeatedly by the noble's staff along the way.

After dinner, Keyne again suggested maybe going out for some shopping or a little walk but Sora once again refused. With him unwilling to leave the inn they returned to their room.

Sora whipped out his notebook and spent the rest of the night reviewing the plan they would discuss with the King the next day. Once satisfied with that he then had Keyne help him fill out the price chart he was working on.

It was a night spent doing boring tasks. Even so Keyne didn't mind. It was nice having a quiet moment together.


The next day, Sora woke up early. Keyne was of course awake and lovingly gave him a good morning kiss.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked. Sora gave a big open mouthed yawn in response.

"If you're still tired you can go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep. Let's get ready to go to the palace." Sora said as he slipped out of bed.

"Sweetheart, there's no rush." Keyne said but Sora continued to get ready so they could leave.

Knock... knock...

"Prince Jodi you're here early." Keyne said after answering the door.

"Dad sent me over with a carriage to pick you guys up. I also saw Genevieve waiting downstairs to talk." Prince Jodi said.

"We'll be down in a few minutes."

"Soooo what did you guys decide?" The prince asked curiously as he tried to push his way into the room. Keyne however blocked the door and stopped him.

"Wait downstairs." Keyne said before completely shutting the door in the Prince's face.


Once downstairs they found Genevieve and Prince Jodi sitting at a table in the corner of the inn's restaurant area. Genevieve sat arms crossed with dark circles under her eyes. It would seem, like Sora, she also didn't get a good night sleep.

"Hey! Over here. I took the liberty of ordering you guys the morning special. Scrambled eggs, bread, and some bacon." Prince Jodi shouted from the table.

"Where does he get all that energy from?" Sora wondered as they walked over.

"Good morning." Genevieve quietly said.

"Morning." Keyne answered back. He then politely held the chair out for Sora before sitting down across from Genevieve.

Time ticked by in silence before the waiter came with their order. Sora looked at the plate of food not quite hungry.

"Sora try to eat a little. Otherwise I'll worry." Keyne said. He then snuck a jar of jam out of his pocket and began putting some on his and Sora's bread.

"Give me some!" The Prince asked while excitedly holding out his piece of bread.

"No! Get your own." Keyne replied.

"Come on, Sora can make you more any time you want! Spare a little." The prince begged.

"Sora gave you more than you deserve before coming here."

"It's never enough. Plus I left it at home. I didn't bring any with me." The Prince whined. His other hand now trying to steal the jar of jam out of Keyne's hand.

"It's not my fault you didn't bring any with you." Keyne ridiculed.

"Don't make it sound like I'm the weird one. You're the one whose strange for bringing your own food to a restaurant."

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