Chapter 65: Carry Me

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The next morning Sora groaned uncomfortably. His body felt heavy and every movement big or small reminded him of the night before.

"Won't hurt, fucking lies." Sora cursed under his breath.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry." Keyne said with a pitiful look.

Sora opened his eyes wide. He didn't expect Keyne to be sitting in bed with him. Usually he would always be long gone before Sora even knew it.

Keyne wanted to laugh. The way Sora stared at him with his mouth shut tight was adorable. "He looks like a small monster whose just been caught stealing food." Keyne thought as he waited for Sora to respond.

However instead of answering  Keyne's question Sora grabbed the blanket and slowly pulled it over his head.

"Hahaha! Sora, are you trying to hide? I'm sorry my love but that won't work." He said unable to contain his laughter.

Sora blushed as he continued to hide. "Why are you still here? Shouldn't you have woken up and left the bed a long time ago?" Sora barely whispered. His voice dry and raspy after moaning all night.

"Is your throat dry? Here drink some water." Keyne said he then lightly tapped Sora's shoulder and pulled the blanket down revealing the bright red Sora underneath.

Sora cautiously reached out to grab the cup of water. But was suddenly pulled up by Keyne.

"Ugh?!" Sora winced at the sudden movement his body protesting every move.

"Sorry. But it's not good to drink while laying down." Keyne said with a guilty look.

Sora stared at Keyne whose eyes glistened with concern.

"If you're really sorry you let me be on top next time." Sora whispered as he took a sip of water.

Keyne's body tensed. Sora watched as Keyne's mouth open and closed trying to think of what he could say to get out of letting Sora top him.

"Pfft. It's okay. The pain isn't really that bad. It's just awkward and uncomfortable. Like having sore muscles after running a marathon. The worse however is that place. Keyne, that place is more than just a little sore." Sora stressed the last part in an accusatory tone.

Keyne hugged Sora carefully his hands moving to either side of Sora's hips.

"Let me give you a massage. I can't do much about that area, that place will only improve with time. But I can give you a massage for your sore muscles." Keyne said in hopes it would be enough to lessen Sora's dissatisfaction.

"Can't healing magic fix it?" Sora asked.

"No, healing magic can help improve healing but not sore muscles or in this case stretching." Keyne said as he began massaging Sora's hips. The feeling felt nice so Sora leaned back and closed his eyes.

"In that case, I don't think we can do that too often. Right now I even doubt walking is possible." Sora said with some exaggeration.

"That's fine. I'll carry you." Keyne answered. Keyne said it as a joke but he would later find out that Sora had taken it seriously.


After enjoying the massage Sora asked to take a bath.

"Keyne run me a bath. I want to clean up."

"You already took a bath." Keyne asnwered.

"I did? When? Why don't I remember taking a bath?" Sora questioned. His yes narrowing with doubt.

"You don't remember? Last night after the second round you refused to go another. So I carried you to the bathroom and helped you wash up." Keyne explained.

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