Chapter 89: Heading Back (Pt.2)

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Sniff... sniff*

Sora could smell the food. "Is it Kapelin?" Sora asked. He could smell the food but he couldn't tell who was carrying it.

"Sora, I've brought you and your husband dinner. I also brought a portion for little Midori." Kapelin said with a cheerful smile. He had grown to like the little green Terra Ursa and often fed it.

"Thank you. Keyne isn't back yet. He went to go wash our bedding." Sora said.

"I saw him on my way here? He told me to bring the food over and tell you he will be back in about five minutes." Kapelin said.

"I appreciate the help." Sora said.

"Not a problem." Kapelin said.

Kapelin placed the food on the table. He also placed an extra serving on the floor for Midori. Seeing the food, Midori jumped down from Sora's lap.

"Thank you for taking care of Midori. I'm sorry work is more than we originally discussed."

"As I said, it is no problem. I am more than happy to help. You and Keyne are paying me more than enough, things are easy with the recipes and methods you set up, and best of all I'm learning more about cooking from you than I ever did cooking in the restaurants in Lacus Town. I mean your cooking is far better." Kapelin said with sincere admiration.

"It's nothing special, I just learned differently because I'm not from this country." Sora humbly said in response.

"I wish I could visit your country one day. It must be a food paradise if your cooking is considered 'nothing special'."

"Not exactly, but compared to here maybe." Sora said with a light chuckle.

Sora and Kapelin chatted for a few minutes before Keyne came back.

"Kapelin, thank you for the help." Keyne said the moment he entered the little shed.

"Wow, so many thank you's today." Kapelin joked.

"Well I would love to stay and keep chatting but there are a lot of hungry men out there. Enjoy your meal." Kapelin said before leaving.


"You scared him off again." Sora said after Kapelin left.

"I did nothing of the sort." Keyne denied. One reason Keyne liked the young man was precisely because he was quick to give him and Sora alone time.

Sora sighed softly in response to Keyne's claims. He knew Keyne wouldn't have done anything outright, but Keyne himself could look very intimidating.

"You must be hungry. Let's eat." Keyne said. He then grabbed one of the bowls.

"Wait, I can eat on my own." Sora exclaimed.

"Sora, its not a problem."

"It is a problem! It's embarrassing." Sora wanted to say. But he didn't. However the look he gave Keyne said everything in volumes.

"My sweetheart is so shy." Keyne thought.

"Very well. I'll only help a little." Keyne said. He then took Sora's hand and placed a spoon in it.

He then pushed the bowl over and put his hand on its side. This way Sora knew where it was. Sora was a little nervous. It wasn't as though he never had to do things without his glasses, but with the low light it was even harder to see than normal.

Keyne noticed and set up several light spells in the shed. The multiple lights brightened the room considerably. With the light he was able to see a little more and became a little more confident as he took a spoonful of stew.

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