Chapter 22: Departure

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An hour before dawn with dark circles around his eyes Keyne once again returned to Sora's room. He and the others had managed to finish the preparations for Sora's departure from the Capital.

With a caravan of ten carriage and 20 guards plus Keyne's personal carriage along with his trusted Bayard Gallos they were ready to leave. All that was left was to inform Sora.

Knock... knock

"Sora it's Keyne. We've completed all necessary preparations and can depart for Loe Lake. Are you ready to go?" Keyne called out from outside the room.

Sora couldn't sleep and was currently sitting by the window with his bag and money thinking of the u certain future. Hearing Keyne's words through the door he got up. "I'm finally leaving this place." He thought as looked around the dark room once more.

He had spent less than a week in the room but with everything that happened he felt it was much longer. "It wasn't all bad, but I can't stay. It's too risky." He whispered before finally heading towards the door.

Opening the door Keyne looked at Sora in low spirits. He could immediately see how much pain Sora was in because of the situation. The man who had shown strength in the face of an impossible situation. The man who spoke out against the king was now pale and curled in on himself because of the words of a young boy.

Keyne could tell the boy's words were only a catalyst used to uncover a deeper problem. Even so, it pained his heart to see the man he loved suffering. Keyne wished he could do more to help him, but right now Sora barely trusted him enough to ask him for help leaving the palace. If he pushed he was afraid he might lose all of Sora's trust and he couldn't bear the thought of hurting him.

"Are you ready to leave? Is there anything you want me to take for you?" Keyne asked as he looked inside the dark room.

"No... Keyne am I really able to leave? No one is going to come and stop me, will they?" Sora asked as he anxiously glanced down the hall.

"It's fine. Everything has been arranged. With the King's blessing you can leave the Capital and head to your new home by Loe lake." Keyne assured him. He then reached out to place his hand on Sora's back. An action he had down several times over the past few days.


Sora's flinched and took several steps away from Keyne the moment he felt Keyne's touch. The way Sora avoided his touch nearly drove Keyne to tears. "What happened to you my sweet Sora? Did that boy's words remind you of something that happened in your past? Will I ever have a chance to see your carefree smile again?" Keyne wondered.

"The caravan is awaiting us at the Palace Gates." Keyne said as he pointed in the direction they needed to head in. Sora nodded and clutching his bag tight began to walk forward towards the gate.

The walk over was silent and due to the early morning before sunrise the mood felt solemn and dark. Keyne wanted to help lighten the mood but every time he spoke Sora's body would naturally become tense.

Reaching the front gate Sora was shocked to see the 11 carriages and knights awaiting his arrival. He turned to Keyne and with a deep look of confusion asked, "Why are there so many carriages?"

"The smaller carriage is for you, those three are carrying supplies for the journey. Those larger five are to carry all the furniture and other items you purchased for your new home in Loe Lake. The last two are for the guards. Although most will be riding on the backs of Kirin the long journey can be difficult to complete unless than can have the chance to rest and ride in a carriage from time to time." Keyne explained.

Sora hadn't realized he would need so much just to move. "This is too much. I shouldn't be taking so much stuff with me. I don't deserve any of it. I... I..." Sora started to unravel. The words of the young man and lord Hallows comments about him taking advantage of the king, or how he greedily asked for more than he deserved kept replaying in his mind.

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