Chapter 118: Eight Days

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"Keyne, what do you think?" Sora asked with curious eyes.

"It's delicious." Keyne answered with a light lick of the lips.

"I'm glad you like it but do you not know any other words?"

"It's absolutely, mouthwateringly delectable." Keyne playfully corrected. Sora however didn't play along and kept the conversation moving.

"Do you think it will sell as well as the jams?" He asked. Keyne was a little disappointed that Sora didn't play along.

"I think it will be useful. Unlike the jam it's dry so this chilli lime salt should last longer and it tastes great."

Sora was glad his newest seasoning was successful. After a week of making jams and the pickles he had sitting in a corner of the little house to pickle he wanted a change.

It took some effort but using Keyne's magic they dried the ingredients then used the pestle and mortar to grind them into spice. Finally, Sora mixed the salt, lime, chillies, and oregano together.

They now had a large amount of delicious seasoning he could add to the workers rations and sell in the little points shop.

As they ate dinner using the new seasoning Aweni appeared in a blaze.

"Aweni, how many times must I remind you not to use your flames in the forest, worse in our house?" Keyne said.

Aweni had burst through the little window through a floating ring of fire. It was beautiful but could have lit the place on fire if he had made even the slightest mistake.

"And how many times must I remind you that I am a proud firebird and this is my signature. I must announce myself in a grand and exciting manner." Aweni retorted with pride.

"Hi Aweni. Do you have mail for us?" Sora interrupted from the side.

Aweni nodded and passed Sora the box it was carrying. In exchange Sora placed a bowl of BBQ blade bird he had made using the new seasoning for Aweni to enjoy.

"Perfect timing. Your spouse always gives the best food. Unlike the palace. Even that chef has been cheap with the meat recently." Aweni complained.

"Times are difficult everywhere. Be grateful they give you anything at all." Keyne said as he took a thick letter from the box.

"What does it say?" Sora asked.

Keyne had sent a letter to the King almost a week ago and they had yet to receive a reply. Thankfully they hadn't had any other attacks or people trying to trespass. Despite the peaceful days Sora was still feeling anxious.

"It's from the king. Apparently a meeting was called concerning our most recent situation. It says they used Koll's appearance to call the meeting but quickly brought up your magic and the need to have us return to the Capital."

"I'm not going back there." Sora stated with a furrowed brow. He honestly didn't care what anyone said he would not go back to be a pawn or slave to the nobles in the Capital.

"Don't worry. I won't let that happen."

"You say that now but that king looked like a real pushover. If they keep complaining and calling those meetings won't he change his mind? How can you trust him?" Sora was doubtful and feeling uneasy.

He couldn't help but remember the jolly festive man they called king and how carefree he seemed. It wasn't exactly the face of a stern leader. But rather the face of a pacifist or someone better suited for middle management.

"You have the king all wrong. He may seem easygoing and friendly but his word is his life. He is respected as a great leader because he is willing to discuss and listen to the opinions of others. However once he has made a decision he will never change it unless absolutely necessary. Even then, it is done after a great deal of consideration." Keyne explained.

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