Chapter 31: Marimo

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Sora woke up feeling better than he had in days. As he stretched he noticed something off. Looking around he quickly found the problem.


"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Good. What time is it?" Sora asked.

Normally when he woke up Keyne would be outside ridding Gallos or discussing things with the Captain. Waking up with Keyne next to him had him feeling confused and a little worried.

"It should be around 9:00. You missed breakfast, but I saved you some in the usual box." Keyne said.

Not hearing the information he wanted Sora asked again. "Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is going as planned." Keyne said with a smile. Keyne knew what Sora really wanted to ask, but he was having fun teasing the confused half awake Sora.

Trying to think of another question he could ask, Sora went silent.

After a few moments Keyne decided to stop teasing him. "I decided to give Gallos some rest and spend the morning in the carriage. Do you mind?" Keyne asked. His words finally quenching Sora's curiosity.

Although it was strange, Sora didn't mind Keyne being in the carriage together with him. Propping himself up against the carriage he looked around for his glasses.

"Here you are." Keyne said as he passed Sora his glasses.

"Thank you." Sora said with a yawn.


Keyne stayed in the carriage together with Sora until they stopped for lunch. They relaxed and chatted about miscellaneous things. Mostly Sora was interested in the monsters and what kind of meat they could eat.

"There are lots of different types and sizes. We eat most monsters. The most popular wild game are the snakes, birds, orcs, and most four legged monster types. Insect varieties can be eaten, but they aren't as popular. They are used more for their materials. The hard shells are great for making weapons and armour."

"If I want to buy monster meat where do I go? I've only seen the domesticated types in the markets." Sora asked. Clearly he was more interested in cooking monsters than fighting them.

"There are a few butchers you can go to directly, but the adventurers guild is where 90% of people bring them. When we get to Lacus Lake I'll take you to the adventurers and merchant guilds. Although more expensive, they have a bigger variety of things. You can also request specific items from these places." Keyne explained.

As Sora listened he adjusted his plans for when he reached Loe Lake and Lacus Town. Realizing there was still a lot he needed to know he started to feel a little overwhelmed.

"Keyne, I know you are probably busy but how long will you be able to stay in Lacus Town?" Sora asked. Keyne was ecstatic to hear him ask.

"Should I tell him I plan to stay with him forever? No, I don't want to scare him. He's finally starting to get close and comfortable with me." Keyne thought about it for a few seconds but soon decided it would be best to wait.

"Don't worry. The others may leave but I'll stay behind until you get properly settled."

Sora was surprised to hear him say he would stay behind to help him. But when he thought about it some more he realized Keyne was probably tasked with helping him and keeping an eye on him on behalf of the king. "I'm glad he's staying but I hope he doesn't resent me for it. As commander of the palace knights he probably has better things to do then babysit one man." Sora guessed. Not once did he believe Keyne had giving up his position to follow him.

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