Chapter 105: Explanation

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Keyne held the sleeping Sora. He had never expected Sora to have a breakdown so suddenly. But thinking about it some more, he couldn't say he was shocked either.

"A lot has happened the last couple weeks. With the stress of my injuries, his own injuries, now this. I should have known Sora was near his breaking point."

Keyne blamed himself for not realizing things were difficult for Sora. He grabbed the blanket from the bed and tightly wrapped it around Sora.

"I told Arthek I would head back tonight, but I can't leave Sora like this." Keyne quietly considered his options. Things  would be a little hectic but he needed to find a way to protect Sora.


"It's warm." Sora thought. He had woken up but he didn't want to move. His arms tightened around Keyne who was holding him.

Sora thought about what happened before falling asleep. He was embarrassed. It had been a long time since he had a breakdown. Since he had a panic attack of sorts.

"It's been what five, no six years since I last had a panic attack or nervous breakdown. I should be fine. Even without my medication, things should be okay. I just need to... I need a routine. I need to focus on the positives.

Keyne had noticed Sora was awake. He didn't say a word. Only quietly lay with him while Sora snuggled up closer and held him tighter.

Keyne could tell Sora was thinking about something. He hoped Sora would talk with him about it. However, he wouldn't force it.

That is what he thought. But soon his determination to stay quiet wavered.

"Sweetheart, can you talk to me? Tell me what you need." Keyne quietly whispered as he gave Sora a light kiss.

Sora flinched when Keyne spoke to him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Keyne. He hadn't decided what to say to explain what happened yet.

Keyne saw Sora's brow furrow. "My love, talk to me, please." Looking up at Keyne's concerned eyes and hearing his strong steady voice, Sora gave in.

"...Keyne, do you remember when I spoke about seeing doctors after my rescue? About the doctor who had me make lists?" Sora tentatively asked.

The topic of mental health was a difficult one. On Earth it had become more widely accepted, but it still wasn't the easiest thing to discuss. He also didn't know how mental health problems were dealt with in this world. It seemed similar to renaissance Europe which wasn't exactly known for its groundbreaking work in mental health.

"I remember. Although I don't understand exactly what the doctor did for you?" Keyne admitted.

"There were a few. The ones I'm referring to specialized in psychiatry. Basically they were doctors that help deal with mental problems." Sora paused to check Keyne's reaction.

"There are doctors like that here, but my understanding is that it's basically just talking. A lot of talking. Sora you can talk to me. If that's what you need?" Keyne said.

Sora was happy to here they had psychiatrists in this world. But also a little disappointed Keyne didn't know much about them.

"It wasn't just talking. I also took medication. But the last few years had been going well so I only needed to keep up with my routines and live a healthy lifestyle. I didn't need to take the medication anymore."

"But coming to this world has been stressful and your routine was shattered? Is that why you..." Keyne didn't finish his sentence because he honestly didn't know what to call it.

"I think so. I'd have these types of panic attacks in the past. I'm sorry. I should have told you about my problems a long time ago. I hoped it wouldn't be a problem. I mean living with you is wonderful. I don't want you to think this happened because I'm unhappy. I am happy, really happy." Sora stressed the last part as he looked desperately in Keyne's unwavering blue eyes.

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