Chapter 113: Where's the Romance? (NSFW)

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They ate their fill but there was a lot of blade bird left. Sora packed it away with plans to use it to make Keyne some sandwiches in the morning.

While Sora thought about sandwiches Keyne thought about other things. He loved dinner but he was more excited about their plans for after dinner.

Keyne quickly washed the dishes and wiped the table. "Sweetheart, do you want to take a bath together?" Keyne asked despite knowing Sora would say no.

"I'll go in first. While I do, could you get rid of these bones?" Sora asked.

"I will."

While Keyne did that Sora quickly prepared the bath. It wasn't private so he planned to quickly and thoroughly wash before Keyne returned.

Keyne was aware of Sora's intentions so he wandered outside the house longer than necessary while Sora bathed.

When he entered the room after wandering outside for thirty minutes he saw Sora leaning over the edge of the tub with his eyes closed.

"Sweetheart, you haven't fallen asleep on me, have you?" Keyne asked.

"Mm. I'm fine. I'll get out and you can jump in." Sora said.

"You don't have to rush."

"Oh? I thought you were excited for me to finish so we could enjoy ourselves tonight. But if you aren't ... maybe I'll stay in the tub for another hour?" Sora joked.

Keyne grabbed a chair and walked over. He put it down not far away and sat comfortably fully intending to watch Sora bath. Sora looked at the Keyne's hot stare and regretted making his little joke.

Feeling shy he grabbed a towel and quickly hopped out of the bath. "It's your turn." He muttered while heading over to the bed to get dressed.

"Don't bother getting dressed. I'll be quick." Keyne said.

"Don't be too quick. You've been working outside all day, and... Sniff sniff*... you could use a bath." Sora said. Apparently he hadn't learned from his earlier joke and continued to tease Keyne.

Keyne thought of dragging Sora back in the tub for a little payback. But he knew Sora didn't like it much, so he let Sora's teasing slide. He quickly undressed and slipped into the tub to wash.

He grabbed the soap and began lathering his body. He was very thorough and covered himself in a thick layer of fluffy white suds. "What do you think? Will I be clean enough after this?" Keyne asked with his arms held out for Sora to inspect.

"Chuckle* You look like a snowman." Sora said.

"What's a snowman?" Keyne asked a little confused.

"You don't have snowmen in this world? A snowman is like a statue made of snow. You make three big balls of snow and stack them up high. Add two sticks for arms and stones for eyes and a mouth. It's something children do on in the winter." Sora explained.

"Did you make snowmen when you were a child?" Keyne asked.

"I did. I used to make them with my parents. It was a lot of fun. We would spend all afternoon playing in the snow."

Keyne sat back down in the tub and listened to Sora. He liked hearing Sora talk about the other world. It was interesting. Some things seemed similar yet different. While he listened he washed away the suds and finished his bath.

Sora lounged on the bed never once bothering to look for his pyjamas. Keyne finished his bath and walked over to Sora in nothing but a towel.

"Shall we do this?" Keyne said without any romance or tact.

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