Chapter 44: Arthek

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Knock... knock

An hour had passed. Keyne entered the room to check on Sora. He had wanted to let him sleep longer but the shops would only open for another two or three hours at most and they had a lot to do.

Walking in he found Sora soundly asleep hugging the pillow tight. Keyne first placed his hand on Sora's forehead to make sure he hadn't started running a fever again.

"It's a little warm but I don't think it's a fever." Keyne thought. He then gently started coaxing Sora awake.

"Sweetheart, it's time to wake up." He said his voice low and sweet.


Not getting a response Keyne applied his tried and true method of waking up Sora. He had discovered it the day before when he had to wake Sora up to take his medicine.

Leaning in close he whispered softly in Sora's ear. His lips just barely touching him like the wings of a butterfly fluttering against Sora's ear as he spoke. "Baby, my dearest darling, my angel, my love, wake-up." Barely a second passed before Sora's brow furrowed and he opened his eyes.

"Stop whispering all those embarrassing names." Sora groaned. His face red as he rubbed his ear.

Keyne smiled triumphantly. He had successfully woken his sleeping lover. The best part was being able to say all the adorable pet names he liked in the process.

"Sora, it's time to wake up. If we don't leave soon we won't have enough time to prepare everything for tomorrow." Keyne explained to the sleepy Sora.

Finally remembering what needed to be done Sora sat up from bed. "I'm up. Let's go."

"We'll leave in five, maybe ten minutes." Keyne said as he thoughtfully passed Sora his glasses and left to get his wallet.


Reaching the market Sora wasn't sure where to go first. It was already late afternoon so the produce available wasn't the greatest.

"There's a shop the next street over that has dried foods and ingredients that are better for us to bring along." Keyne explained.

Sora followed and soon saw a shop that was full of tall burly men. And tough looking women. "Are they adventurers?" Sora wondered as they approached the shop.

"Fresh food spoils quickly. Unlike the caravan we won't have an icebox to keep food fresh longer. This place has several dried or smoked foods we can buy."

"I understand carrying dried food will be lighter and considering the state of the market the better option, but I'm not used to cooking with them. At best I can only thinks of making soup." Sora admitted not to excited about buying dried food.

"We can use the dried food for soup like you said. For the rest we will hunt and gather it ourselves."

"How can you be sure we'll find edible monsters and plants?"

"It's an area that's been untouched by people. The forest will most likely have an abundance of plants. Don't worry Sora, there won't be any problem concerning food. If it's there I can find it."

Keyne wasn't exaggerating either. When he was too young to work he often explored the forest and area around the Capital in search of plants that were edible or medicinal. The edible ones would be brought back to the orphanage for dinner and the medicinal ones would be sold to the local doctor for a few copper.

"Listen to you." Sora said as he approached the shop.

Inside there was a better selection than Sora anticipated. Everything from dried tomatoes to the anana fruit he used for his sweet and sour sauce. They also found some dried meats but Sora didn't want to buy it. Meat dried in this world was heavily salted and nothing else.

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