Chapter 62: Keyne's Day

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Keyne woke up before the sunrise. Laying in bed he was met with the first challenge of the day.

"Did he study martial arts or something?" Keyne thought as he tried to think of a way to escape Sora's embrace. He called it an embrace but to others it would look like they were wrestling and not the intimate kind of wrestling either.

Sora's left leg was hooked behind Keyne's right leg. Followed by Sora's right leg somehow managing to grab hold of Keyne's waist. This part still made sense. Then there were Sora's arms. His left arm had snuck under Keyne's shirt and firmly wrapped itself around his waist. It perfectly encircling Keyne's waist in combination with his leg. As for the right arm. It was stretch out and grasping at Keyne's neck.

The position itself, as strange as it seemed, wasn't uncomfortable. But it was tight and it was baffling to Keyne how Sora never woke up sore. He himself was safe because he basically stayed in the same position whereas Sora wrapped and twisted himself around him, like an octopus.

Aside from the occasional punch, kick, or other unexpected attack Keyne really did not have any problems sleeping peacefully next to Sora. In fact, the times they slept apart Keyne would wake up feeling cold. He would also have difficulty falling back to sleep.

Thankfully, along with Sora's horrifying sleeping posture he was equally as difficult to wake up.

With quick moves and and a gentle touch Keyne managed to slip away. Once out of bed Sora squirmed and reached around trying to pull close the nearest object. Keyne took the few pillows that had been thrown from the bed and tossed them into Sora's restless arms.

Like a hungry beast catching its prey Sora pulled the pillows in close and clutched them tight. His brow slightly furrowed as though he were dissatisfied with the catch.

Keyne chuckled lightly at the sight. "He must prefer me." He mused. Keyne then took the blanket and covered Sora.

"Sleep tight my sweet." He whispered before giving him a light peck.


Having successfully escaped Sora's grasp Keyne quickly dressed and checked the house. He wanted to make certain all the doors and windows were locked before he left.

Entering the kitchen he found an egg dish in the fridge. Sora had prepared for him the night before. All Keyne needed to do was heat it in the oven for twenty minutes.

Once done he could pop the little egg muffins out of the tray to eat. The pan was a muffin tin that made 12. Sora told Keyne to eat a few in the morning and take the leftovers to eat later. Apparently they would still taste good even when cold.

Keyne popped them in the oven to cook while he packed the last of the things he needed. He also wrote Sora a loving note and left it on the table.

Once the egg muffins finished cooking Keyne popped one in his mouth. "Delicious! The egg is fluffy. The onion, bacon, cheese, and eggplant give it a lot of flavour. My sweetheart is the best." Keyne thought as he finished eating 6 egg muffins. He then packed 4 to eat later and left 2 for Sora next to his note.

After cleaning up Keyne made one more stop to check on Gallos before finally heading out towards the docks.


By the time Keyne arrived at the docks the sun was just beginning to rise in the distance. Thus signalling the start of another busy day. By this time the docks we're already bustling with fishermen preparing to set out to catch fish.

Keyne quickly found the boat and the captain he had made a deal with.

It wasn't easy finding anyone willing to lend him a boat considering how profitable fishing was during the drought. But the captain who owned the boat was recently attacked and injured his leg. Until it healed he couldn't sail. So he rented his boat out to others for a hefty price.

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