Chapter 154; A Lifetime of Happiness

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Things got busy again with Archmage Galen and Prince Jodi arriving at the house. After breakfast they went over the schedule and planned what would happen next.

"Tomorrow we'll head over to the village and work on the fields." Prince Jodi said.

"What will we be growing?" Sora asked.

"After speaking with Minister Brooming it's been decided we should grow wheat." Prince Jodi revealed.

"Wheat is difficult to pollinate and prepare to grow. Won't it be a problem?" Sora questioned.

"Minister Brooming made some tool that makes the whole process easier. Blah blah blah. The point is we hope you can go in the morning to grow them to flowering. Then we'll have lunch while everyone gets the plants prepared. After lunch you can fully mature them and then they have time to harvest until the next time you come." Prince Jodi explained.

Sora was curious what the tool was. Unfortunately, it was obvious the Prince either didn't know or didn't care to explain it.

"Will it be enough?" Sora asked.

"It will be. The crops you grew the last few weeks have helped a lot. But wheat which can be made into bread is more valuable at this point. So we hope to get as much as possible." Prince Jodi said.

"I'm fine growing wheat if it's needed." Sora said.

They continued discussing more details until it was time for lunch.

"What do you want to eat?" Sora asked.


"Jodi, what do you want to eat?" Sora asked again when he didn't answer the first time.

"You're asking me?" The Prince asked while pointing at himself.

"I am." Sora clarified.

"Leader what did you do to make Sora angry?"

The prince was quick to accuse Keyne of doing something wrong in order to explain why Sora would ask him about lunch.

"Sora and I are perfect." Keyne asserted.

Prince Jodi looked at Keyne with pity. Keyne clenched his fist wanting to smack the Prince.

"I asked because I want to thank you for your help dealing with the nobles. I know it's not much, but I'll cook whatever you want for today's lunch and dinner. I also have a bunch of jams and other stuff made for you in the cellar you can take when you leave." Sora explained.

"Seriously? Anything I want?" The Prince asked with bright hopeful eyes.

"If I know how and we have the ingredients I'll cook anything you want." Sora said.

"Then make me something I've never eaten before. Something from your world." The Prince requested.

"I don't know what you expect. The food from my world isn't that different from here." Sora said.

"The way you deep fry stuff is different. Do you have any other recipes like that?"

Sora was silent as he tried to think of a unique recipe that might satisfy the Prince. "Dumplings? No I made those already... Sushi? I don't know if the fish here is safe to eat raw... Okonomiyaki? It's basically a type of savoury pancake... Mochi? Can't the rice here isn't glutinous enough..." Sora continued struggling to think of what to make.

"Sweetheart, why not make pizza for lunch?" Keyne suggested.

"Pizza? Is that unique enough?" Sora was doubtful it would fulfill the prince's requirements..

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