Chapter 87: Healed Enough

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The next two days were quiet. Sora sat by the spring, desire burning in his eyes despite only being able to distinguish water from soil. Keyne hadn't been able to heal him a second time yet, but Aweni had brought them some medication for the pain.

"After I heal him Sora will be exhausted and will most likely fall asleep." Keyne thought as he lovingly cooked some soup. He used Sora's special seasoning, wild vegetables, and horned-rabbit to make the soup. He wanted Sora to have a full stomach before he used healing magic again.

Keyne carried the soup over to Sora. Seeing him stare out over the water he felt at a loss. "Even injured and blind he only wants to swim."

Sniff... Sniff*

Smelling the soup Sora turned towards Keyne. "It smells delicious." He said with a smile.

"Eat first then I will heal your injury again."

"Will I be fine after you heal me?" Sora asked a little hopeful.

"Not completely, but the pain should be reduced by a lot. You should also be able to move around on your own." Keyne said.

Sora didn't look too disappointed. After all even fully healed without his glasses there was very little he could do.

Keyne sat down next to Sora. With the soup in one hand and the spoon in the other he took a small amount and blew on it. Hearing the distinctive sound, Sora blushed.

Fwooo... fwooo*

"You don't have to blow on it. My arms are fine. I can feed myself." Sora said. He then reached out to grab the spoon but his eyesight made it difficult to see and he missed his mark. In the end he grabbed nothing but air.

"Sora, I enjoy doing these little things for you." Keyne said in a sweet voice.


"No buts. Now open up." Keyne instructed. Sora wanted to refuse, but if he did Keyne was liable to do the same thing he did last time.

Keyne put the bowl down and gently touched Sora's chin. "Sora, op..."

"Stop! I'll eat." Sora exclaimed before Keyne could finish his sentence.

Keyne smiled in triumph and began slowly feeding Sora. Like a cute little birdie. Sora opened his mouth and awaited each spoonful of food. Keyne lovingly blew on each spoonful before bringing it over to his mouth.

Sora burned from the embarrassment. The only plus side was that Keyne was the only one present.


Sumi raised his head out of the water. He was afraid to interrupt Keyne and Sora's lovey dovey time. But it was important.

"Hey, you might want to know I found a way back to the lake." He said.

Keyne had obviously noticed Sumi's presence. But he didn't want to alarm his lovely husband.

"How long does it take to travel between?" Keyne asked. He was glad they were connected. Although he didn't know the use yet, it was never a bad thing for Sumi to have more freedom.

"Full speed, maybe 30 minutes. There are so many twist and turns it's hard to be faster. Hey can I turn these cave into my lair? I'll keep an eye out whenever you guys want to go in the water, but these things are cool. I've only explored a small part of it." Sumi excitedly said.

"Do whatever you want. Just keep the water at the spring and house safe of any predatory monsters. Don't forget to be careful and tell me if there are any dangerous monsters in the underground caves." Keyne said.

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