Chapter 61: Keyne Plans to Leave

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Walking home Keyne held Sora's hand tight. He had tried to stay calm and act like it was okay that Sora had disappeared while he was out. Even so, the fear and worry were still fresh in his mind.

"I can't freak out. He is an adult. We can't be together 24/7 I need to let him have his freedom." He kept telling himself.

He knew Sora cared about freedom and that being overprotective wouldn't be helpful to building a strong relationship. Despite what he thought, his heart was still shaken.

"Keyne, are you upset?" Sora asked. He could feel a slight tremble as Keyne held his hand.

"No, I... it was a shock to come home to an empty house. I didn't know where you were and I expected you to still be in bed with a fever." Keyne said in the calmest way he could think of.

"I'm sorry. I should have left a note or something, but I haven't learnt how to write in this world's language yet. Keyne, should we start my lessons again? Not just writing, but magic as well." Sora asked.

"Sorry, stopping your magic lesson was because I didn't want Gene or the other adventurers learning more about your magic. As for the writing, that was an oversight. How about we find those workbooks you got and start practicing tonight." Keyne said.

"Why didn't you want Gene and the others to see my magic?" Sora asked curiously.

"Sora, the way you use magic is rather unique or somewhat advanced? It's difficult to describe. I didn't want to teach you in front of them because I didn't want them to know you are still a beginner. If they realized you've only just started learning they would have a lot of questions. I know you would prefer to live here quietly so I wanted to reduce any unnecessary curiosity."

"I guess I understand. But what is it about my magic that's so strange?"

"Let's use your fire magic as an example. You can adjust the heat and maintain a constant heat without much effort. Not just in one place but in multiple places each with varying degrees. This is difficult even for top magicians or magical chefs." Keyne explained.

"I think you mention it before." Sora said after some thought.

"I did. And I remember you telling me it had to do with how you imagine the temperature. But for people who see it for the first time it might seem like unique magic or Archmage level control. I didn't want the others to lean in one or the other direction when thinking of your magic. It's always best to keep such information secret in this world. If we practiced your magic they would lean towards it being a unique type of fire magic, but then it would bring into question your other spells."

"What's wrong with my other spells?" Sora asked.

"Sora most people need to heat water using fire magic, but have you noticed how you started to make hot water just appear? That's not normal either."

"So that's why you didn't let me prepare the bath?"

"And your Earth magic can take some foreign and clean looking shapes. This could be explained by you not being from this country but it is once again odd." Keyne said.

"I didn't consider any of that. Wait, when the incident with Saira happened I said I wasn't good at magic or something. Was that bad?"

"It wasn't ideal, but there are Archmages in the world who are strictly research only and have never used their magic in battle. It wouldn't have been a stretch for them to assume you've spent time studying magic but not using it for battle."

"I didn't realize. I'll try not to use magic or talk about my magic with others from now on." Sora said. He trusted Keyne and if Keyne said it was important he would listen.

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