Chapter 84: The Spring

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When they reached the clearing Sora felt like he could breath again. He raised his head up high and took a long deep breath. His mind was so focused on breathing that he had lost his balance and nearly fell off Sumi.

Keyne grabbed him just in time. He was worried and was about to remind Sora to pay attention. But when he looked up and saw the colour had begun to return to Sora's face he forgot to speak.

"Eh? Sorry, Keyne." Sora said after realizing he had nearly fallen.

Keyne gently pulled Sora down from atop Sumi and kissed him. It wasn't the usual passionate kisses Sora was accustomed to. The kiss was soft and sweet. Sora could feel the love as well as the worry Keyne felt towards him.

When the kiss finally ending Sora had the urge to apologize to Keyne again. This time for causing him so much worry.

"Keyne, I..."


Sumi instantly took off the moment Sora was safely off his back. The blanket flying off into the wind.

"What's wrong with Sumi?" Sora asked in shock.

"Water!!!" Sumi shouted telepathically.

"It can sense the water not far away. Let's hurry and follow it." Keyne said before hugging Sora tighter and quickly running towards the spring.



"Ah! It feels SO good!!!" Sumi exclaimed as it swam across the surface of the water.

Sora and Keyne weren't far behind. Sumi may have had the appearance of a horse, but it wasn't very fast on land.

"Sumi, there is a monster pay attention." Keyne reminded it.

"I know. I can feel the ugly thing coming now." Sumi answered back with little concern.

"Keyne will Sumi be okay?" Sora wondered. He had never seen Sumi fight nor did he know what kind of monster lurked beneath the surface of the spring.

"Sumi is strong. Don't worry. I'm also here to help." Keyne said as he shifted Sora in his arms to a more comfortable position. His intention to not put him down clear. Sora noticed and instead of trying to go down himself he raise his arm and placed it across Keyne's shoulder for support.

Keyne smiled and the two of them watched Sumi in the water.

Splash.... Shriek*

Suddenly the surface of the water exploded and a monster revealed itself shrieking loudly, its tentacles flailing.

Sora was surprised but he did not feel afraid as he hugged Keyne tight. He looked at the furious monster.

"It's like an octopus? Is this the kraken that's so famous in novels, but it's not that big..."

The monster had the pointed nose of a shark and rows upon rows of sharp triangular teeth clacking as it chomped down and shriek.

Looking down one would expect the body of a shark to match but what Sora saw were long tentacles flowing from where its eyes should be and its tail was made of even thicker and longer tentacles. The monster was a translucent white like the types of fish that dwell in the depths of the ocean or caves.

"Is it a shark or an octopus?" Sora whispered his attention focused on watching the monster angrily start attacking Sumi.

"It's called a Lusca. They are know to dwell in dark deep water. Finding one here confirms or suspicion that the spring is connected to a large underground cave system. It's possible the spring may even be connected to Loe Lake." Keyne explained as he moved further back. He didn't want Sora to get hurt from the fight.

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