Hapter 149: Haunted House (NSFW)

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"This is where we are staying? No offence but it looks a little... haunted." Sora said when they reached the house Keyne had rented for them.

"I know it's a bit rundown, but it's the only thing they had available."

"Keyne, I don't want to stay in that place. It looks like ghost will appear? Or maybe a vampire? Keyne, do vampires exist in this world?" Sora asked. He was both curious and frightened by the prospect.

"Yhwy do. They are one of the demon clans. But you don't have to worry about meeting any of them. They live deep in the Arctic Mountains of Deoful. They are a very secluded and spiritual clan that have sworn an oath to their Gods to live in peace and harmony with nature. Outsiders are forbidden and the chances they leave their territory is rare." Keyne explained.

"Don't they need blood to survive?" Sora asked.

"Yes and no. In the past they preyed on the blood of others but it's been centuries since the clan swore to never harm another living creature. Now they rely on something called the blood veins."

"What are blood veins?" Sora asked.

"I don't know. No one does. It's one of the many secrets of the vampire clan." Keyne explained.

"So no vampires. What about ghosts, zombies, wraiths, or whatever? The house looks like it belongs to the undead." Sora asked again.

"Undead don't exist in this world. I admit some people do claim there are ghosts but I've never seen any myself. I assure you the house is safe." Keyne said amused by Sora's thoughts about the house. He placed his arm around Sora's waist and began walking towards the house.

"Are you absolutely sure? This house is..." Sora asked as he resisted walking forward.

"I'm certain of it. Don't worry. Let's head inside and make dinner. You must be hungry." Keyne said. Sora was still doubtful. The house looked haunted but he took a deep breath and entered the house together with Keyne.

Thankfully the inside looked a little better. It was still old and in need of some TLC but wasn't as neglected as the outside and seemed clean.

After taking a Quick Look around Sora felt a little better about staying in the house. Next, he went to the bathroom to wash up before starting on dinner. They had been walking around Town and growing plants all day and he felt a little dirty. Following behind him was Keyne.

In the bathroom, Keyne didn't wash his hands but pulled out a bucket and scrub brush and began washing the tub.

"What are you doing?" Sora asked.

"I'm getting the bath ready for later. Or do you not want to take one tonight?" Keyne said.

"Isn't it a little early to be preparing the bath?"

"We'll need it after dinner. It's better to clean it now than wait until later. I'll also wash the bedding when I'm done here." Keyne explained.

Sora wasn't too dense to notice Keyne's real motive. But he didn't mind. As long as Keyne didn't go overboard and he could walk fine the next day he was willing to be intimate. What he didn't expect was that dinner would be skipped altogether.


Sora was in the kitchen getting ready to cook dinner while Keyne finished cleaning the tub and washing the bedding. As planned he took out some eggplant and vegetables to make ratatouille when suddenly he heard something.


"What was that?!" Sora quickly turned around at the eerie sound. He felt a cold chill running down his spine as he looked around the empty kitchen.

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