Chapter 122: Fun and Games

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"What did you say to him?"


Keyne appeared like a ghost behind the Prince. A cold chill wafting off him.

"Don't suddenly sneak up on me like some ghost or assassin!" The Prince exclaimed angrily.

"Answer the question. What did you say to him?" Keyne asked again with narrowed eyes.

"What did Sora say?" Prince Jodi asked. He was unwilling to reveal what he said himself.

"Don't play games with me." Keyne said. They had known each other for a long time. There was no way Keyne would fall for his tricks.

"I may have mentioned how popular you were. But I also said that you never showed any interest in anyone not even Genevieve." The prince admitted.

"You mentioned Genevieve! Why would you mention her?" Keyne whispered angrily.

"It wasn't on purpose. It just slipped. But don't worry I didn't say anything about Genevieve drugging you or the other stuff."

"Drugs?! Keyne, what does he mean?"

Sora didn't plan to eavesdrop. He was chasing Midori when he passed by Prince Jodi and Keyne whispering outside the stable window.

Keyne stared at Sora like a deer caught in headlights. He never expected Sora to suddenly appear from the window. While he stood there stunned Prince Jodi slowly backed away from the window. Keyne tried to grab him but before he could the Prince had bolted.

Sora didn't care that Prince Jodi had made a run for it. He stared at Keyne waiting for an answer. But Keyne remained quiet. A staring contest had begun and neither was willing to lose.

Keyne could feel himself falling deeper. He tried to think of a way to pretend his conversation with Prince Jodi hadn't happened. But deep down he knew it was impossible.

"Tell me." Sora said his patience wearing thin.

"It isn't as bad as it sounds." Keyne tried to say but Sora wasn't letting him off the hook so easily.

"Who is Genevieve?" Sora asked. His cold stare drilling holes into Keyne.

"She was a girl Prince Jodi and I knew growing up."

"Did she love you?"

"She may have confessed to me but I always rejected her. Nothing has ever happened between us." Keyne vaguely said.

Keyne would have preferred to straight up lie. However he was more afraid of what might happen if Sora caught him in a lie. That's why he decided to be as vague with the truth as possible without it being a lie.


"When what?" Keyne asked. Sora wasn't amused with his evasive answers.

"Tell me when she confessed to you." Sora reiterated.

"In the pa..."

"I want an exact date."

"It's not an exact date but a week before you were summoned into this world." Keyne revealed.

"Wasn't she a childhood friend? How long was she in love with you?" Sora asked.

"Considering the first time she confessed to me was when she was twelve, a long time."

Sora didn't know what to think. Knowing there was a women who had been in love with Keyne for years made his chest feel stuffy again.

"What about the drugs? Jodi mentioned drugs." Sora asked while leaning halfway out the window listlessly. He could see Keyne hesitating. But he wasn't willing to let it go. He wanted to know what happened even if it made him feel worse.

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